Edric And Emira's Birthday Party

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         Hunter's POV

                  I sat on the floor thinking about what Edric had said when I asked him if he was happy about turning 17, its not that I don't want to go through with our plan, but I kind of like having the stability of a sort of family now, if I leave then what will Eda and Luz think? They would be mad at me if I left, but then again, Ed might be mad at me if I don't go with him. I still have a year to decide, right? Hopefully.

Just then Luz walked into the room and said, "Hey, are you alright?" I wiped my tears on my sleeve before answering, "Uh, yea I'm fine." "Are you sure?" She said as she sat down next to me. "You can talk to me, you know that right?" I nodded and said, "It's complicated, I don't want to tell you because I think your going to be mad at me." She smiled softly and put a hand on my shoulder, "I would never get mad at you, your like my brother now. So, what's going on?" I took a deep breath.

"Well, Edric and I had agreed that when we both are 18 next year, that we would take off together. Somewhere that his mom wouldn't find us, so that we could live our lives the way we wanted to." She looked at me confused, "And that's a bad thing?" "Because, Im not sure if I want to anymore, I did when it meant getting away from Belos, but now I have a family and I don't want to leave that sense of comfort."

Luz gave me a hug and then said, "If leaving with Ed is going to make you happy, then please do it. I know how hard his mom has been on the two of you, and with Belos out looking for you, mabey its for the best and hey we still have a whole year until that day comes, so for now lets just have fun." I smiled and said, "Your right." "Great, now help me come up with a playlist for the birthday party." I laughed at how eager she was to start looking for music to play at the twins party.

{In the one Spongebob guys voice, 'A few days later'}

Edric's POV

     Em and I are currently in her room getting ready for our party, luckily our parents are out of town on business again so there wont be anything getting in our way of a perfect party this year. I sat at Em's vanity while she did my hair for me, "Em?" "Yea, Ed?" I looked at her reflection in the mirror and said, "I wanted to tell you something, but i need you to not get mad." She let go of my hair and looked at me through the mirror, "What is it?" I turned around in the chair and said, "A few months ago when mom was saying that she wouldn't allow Hunter and I to date, him and I made a promise that when we turn 18, that we would take off with each other. Somewhere that mom wouldn't find us and also Belos."

"Oh, that's great." I looked at her and said, "Really? You think so?" She smiled, "Of course, if that's what will make the both of you happy then do it." I smiled but then it was quickly wiped away with the thought of how Hunter seemed yesterday when I mentioned the plan to him again. "The only thing is that Hunter didn't seem excited anymore when I mentioned it last. Do you think that he doesn't want to go with me anymore?" Em sighed and put a hand on my shoulder "I'm not sure, mabey you should talk to him about it again, just to make sure you both are on the same page still."

I nodded my head and then said, "Your right." "Ok, now lets go or else were going to be late for our own party." Em said while laughing a bit, then she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

Once we arrived at the Owl House, we were greeted by Hooty, "HEEEEYYYY BIRTHDAY TWINS! COME ON IN!" Hooty then opened the door to let us in. We walked inside and saw all of our friends waiting for us, "Hey guys." We both said at the same time. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all yelled. I smiled when I saw Hunter, he walked over to me and put his arms around me, then he kissed me. "Your 17 today, so that means you get 17 kisses from me, although that first one didn't count." He said after pulling away from our kiss, then he winked at me.

After a while we were all dancing and just having the time of our lives together, I was so happy to be surrounded by some of the most important people in my life. At around 9pm we ended up opening presents, when it came to Hunter's present to me he handed it to me and it was in a cute yellow box with a green bow on it. I opened it and there was an Emerald stone necklace.

 I opened it and there was an Emerald stone necklace

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

{This is what the necklace is supposed to look like.}

Hunter picked it up out of the box and I turned around so that he could put the necklace on me, I turned back around to face him and said, "I love it." I kissed him softly and then we pulled away, "I hoped you would." He smiled. After that we finished up with presents and then we did the cake, which Luz helped Amity make for us. Once we cut the cake and gave everyone a piece, Hunter had a piece of cake on his plate and came up to me, then he said, "You have something on your nose. "Where?" "There." He said as he swooped some cake icing onto my nose, "HUNTER!" I yelled while laughing, I then swooped some icing and smeared it on his nose while still laughing.

Everyone just watched and laughed as Hunter and I were having a mini cake fight. By the end of the night everyone had left besides, Willow, Gus, Matt, Amity, Em, and I. We had all just been hanging out in the living room while Raine and Eda were in the kitchen eating the leftover cake. Tonight was great, I'm glad I got to spend it with all of my closest friends and family. Now I just have to deal with that conversation with Hunter, but ill wait till tomorrow, were having a good time right now and I'd rather not ruin it.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें