What's This?

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Authors Note: TRIGGER WARNING, This chapter contains mentions of child abuse, so if that is a touchy subject for you then please read until I put the trigger warning and then you can skip down to where I put the next Authors Note.

Hunter's POV

     I sat in my room working on my homework while listening to Flapjack tweet, I honestly dont know what he's saying but I like to think he is telling me all about how his day went while I was at school. I was just finishing when I heard a knock at my door, "Come in." I turned to face the door and saw Edric standing there. "Hey, I hope I'm not to early." Early? For what? Oh, right we had a date tonight. "Um, yea sorry I got caught up with my homework and Flapjack was telling me all about his day," "Hunter, it's fine we can go tomorrow night if you want instead?"

I got up from my chair and walked over to him, "No, just let me get ready really quick." "Ok." He smiled and took a seat at my desk where Flapjack was still standing. I then made my way to the bathroom.

Edric's POV

I sat down at Hunter's desk as he left to get ready, and I noticed that he had a bunch of books on his desk, so I decided to check them out while I waited. I ended up coming across a book that was sticking out, except it wasn't a book it was more like a journal. I know I shouldn't be snooping in his belongings, but something about it made me feel uneasy and worried, so I opened it.

Authors note: Here's the trigger warning for mentions of child abuse. If you need to please skip Down to the end of the chapter where I will give a summary of what happened.

I read the first few pages and it was all about what Belos would do to Hunter whenever he made him mad. I was still reading when it got to a part where Hunter wrote about how Belos had gotten angry and threw a shard of glass at him, which cut his cheek. I was about to read more when the book was snatched out of my hands and was shut closed, "What are you doing!?"

I looked up at Hunter and instantly regretted snooping around, "I'm sorry, but what is that book?" Hunter threw the book on his bed and said, "Nothing, don't worry about it." "It's not nothing, why did you keep a journal about everything he put you through? Hunter sat down on his bed and looked down at the floor. He didn't say anything at first, but then I heard him take a deep breath, "I-I always thought it was my fault that he would do these things, so I decided to keep a journal where I would write down what made him mad and what he did so that maybe I could learn where to fix my mistakes and not let it get to that point again, but it just kept happening. I honestly didn't know what I was doing wrong."

I looked at him and said, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you do know that it was never your fault right? Everything he did to you was his own doing not yours." Hunter looked up at me with tears in his eyes, "Yea, but why me? Why was I the one that got stuck in that situation? I spent years trying to figure out why I wasn't good enough, I could never figure out why he was choosing to hurt me and why I could never have a normal childhood like the rest of the kids I saw. I deserved to be happy to. Didn't I deserve to be loved?" At this point he was full on sobbing, so I sat next to him and held him.

"You didn't deserve any of that, and you are loved now, your loved by all of our friends, and Dad and Darius love you, and I love you so much." He sat back up while wiping his tears on his sleeve, "I know, and I'm so grateful for all of you." I smiled and kissed him on the nose, "Let's forget our date, lets just hang out here for tonight, ok?" "Are you sure?" I nodded my head and then he laid his head on my shoulder again.

Authors Note: Ok so summary of what happened is, Edric found a notebook that was on Hunters desk while he was waiting for Hunter to get ready for there date, and it contained some not so nice things that Belos did to Hunter when he would be angry at him. Hunter finds Ed reading the book and gets mad but then he explains why he wrote it in the first place and then they spend the night in instead of going out. {Was that a good enough summary? Hopefully, anyways thank you for reading and thank you for 23k reads. Have a nice day.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon