Puppy's First Day Of School

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{Edric's POV}

        I was sitting in my room, when I got a call on my crystal ball, I answered it to see Hunter and Marshmallow in front of the screen. "Hey, guys." Hunter smiled and put Marshmallow down on the floor next to him, "Hey, I was calling to tell you that Luz and I signed Marshmallow up for some training classes, and I was wondering if you could come along, since you are like his other parent." I laughed at that statement and said, "Sure, I would love to." Hunter smiled again and picked up the puppy who was still sitting next to him.

"Did you hear that Mellow, he's coming with us. Yay!" I laughed again at how cute he was being with the dog, "You are such a dork." "But im a dork that you love." I rolled my eyes and smiled, "True, ok what time should I be there?" "It starts at 2 so just meet us here at 1;30." I nodded and said, "Alright Ill see you then." "Ok, bye love you." I waved and said, "Love you to, bye." He then hung up and I looked at the clock to see that it said 12pm, so I decided to go get ready.

{SpongeBob guy's voice: One Hour later}

By the time I was ready, it was around 1:00 pm and I had to be there by 1:30, so I think I was making good time. I headed downstairs and was about to walk out the door when my mom stepped in front of me and said, "Where are you going?" I had to come up with a lie since she has no idea that Hunter is staying with Luz, she doesnt even know that he ran away from Belos. "I'm going to help Jerbo with some magic training." 

She looked at me as if trying to analyze whether or not I was lying, in the end she said, "Fine, but be home by dinner." As soon as I got out the door, I let out a breath that I didn't even know that I was holding, then I started making my way to the owl house, but not before messaging Jerbo to make sure he knew about the lie I had told my mother, just in case she starts snooping around in my business.

By the time I had gotten to the owl house it was 1:30 on the dot, I was greeted by Hooty and then after that I was greeted by puppy nibbles at my feet. I picked up Marshmallow and held him while he gave me puppy kisses all over my face. "Hi Marshmallow." Hunter ran out of the house yelling the puppy's name, "You can't just run out of the house like that." I laughed and said, "And this is why someone needs the training." I looked at Marshmallow, but he just yawned and laid in my arms.

"Are you ready to go?" Hunter looked at me and said, "Yea, let me just get his bag and I'll be right out." I stood there with the puppy in my arms while Hunter went to get what he needed from inside the house. "Alright, im ready." I smiled at how adorable he looked with all of Marshmallow's things that he needed when he went out, "Aw, it's like you have a baby." "Technically he is one." We both laughed and looked at Marshmallow as Hunter tried putting him in his crate, at first, he was reluctant to go in, but once Hunter gave him a treat and his toy, he went in and calmed down a bit.

Once we got to the pet training place, we both walked in and went up to the front desk where a lady who looked to be not far from our age, maybe about 3 years older was sitting, "Hi, how may I help you today?" "We're here for the puppy training class." Hunter said. "What's your name?" She asked while smiling, "Hunter." "And your puppy's name?" She said, "Marshmallow." She smiled and said, "What a cute name. Alright, yes it looks like you have a lesson for 2pm. Here just fill out these forms and then the trainer will be out shortly." I took the papers since Hunter was holding the crate and the other stuff.

We sat down and started filling out all of the paperwork, shortly after I handed the papers back to the lady, who I now know is names Cassie, and then I went back to sit with Hunter while we waited for the trainer to come out. Once the trainer took Marshmallow back with Hunter and I, we sat and watched as she started to teach him basic commands and basic training, she even had Hunter and I do some so that Marshmallow knew who to respond to and stuff like that.

After we were done with lessons, Hunter and I decided to take Marshmallow back to the house so that Luz could watch him for a bit, while we went and spent some time together in town. I'm so glad Hunter loves the puppy, and im glad I kind of get to co parent him.

Authors Note: I know I may have written a bunch of that stuff about the puppy training wrong but uh I researched it as much as I could and got some of my info from my sister-in-law since Shes a dog trainer. Anyways feel free to correct me on any of that. Also, as always, I hope you have an amazing Morning/ Afternoon/ or Night.

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