Breakfast And Video Games

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Hunter's POV

      I was on my way back from getting breakfast in town for Ed and I, when I saw Luz, Eda and King out selling human stuff, so I decided to walk over to them and say hi. "Hey guys, I didn't know you were selling today, I would have came home early to help you out." I said as Luz was checking her whatever its called that she uses to talk to Amity on, "It's fine kid, we didn't want to disturb you and the boy twin." I laughed and said, "His name is Edric." Eda went back to whatever she was doing and didn't say anything else so I turned to Luz who was smiling, "So, where's your girlfriend?"

She looked up from her thing and said, "Oh, she's with Raine. They needed her help with something with the coven, and since Amity is still in training for the coven, they thought that she would be good help. I nodded and said "Cool, well I have to get back to Ed, I was just picking us up some breakfast. Bye ill see you guys at home." I waved to them and then Luz said, "Bye, have fun with Ed." She winked and I laughed while walking away.

When I got back to Ed's place, I walked back upstairs to his room, "Hey, Ed I'm back." I walked into the room and set the bag onto the desk. Just then Ed came out of the bathroom with a fresh pair of clothes and he was wearing his glasses which I love because they look cute on him, he still thinks that I don't know about his glasses but I do. "Hey, nice glasses." He grabbed them quickly and tried to hide them, but I just grabbed them from him and put them back on him. "It's fine, you look cute with them on." I smiled and kissed him softly.

"You really think so?" "Of course I do." He smiled and walked over to his bed and sat up against the headboard, I grabbed his breakfast and gave it to him, "One breakfast in bed my prince." "Thank you my knight." We both laughed as I grabbed my breakfast and took a seat next to him. Once we were finished with breakfast, I cleaned everything up and we decided to play some video games for a few hours until it was time for me to go back home since his sisters would be home soon.

{A few hours later}

"I totally beat you that time.!" I laughed as Edric tried to convince me that he was supposed to win that match, but I totally won. "That's not what the game says, "Whatever." He said as he threw the controller onto the floor. "Aw, is someone mad?" I said as I put my controller on the side table, he was doing his cute pout which meant he was mad, but not enough that he wouldn't break if I kissed him, so that's exactly what I did. I gave him a slow but soft kiss on the lips, then I said, "Does that help?" He smiled slightly, "A little bit, but no. "How about this?" I kissed him again, but longer this time.

He smiled and said, "Ok, that helped a lot." I rolled my eyes and said, "I knew it would." I checked the time and saw that it said 12pm already, "I have to go, ill see you tomorrow at school thought, right?" "Yea ill be there, now go before Eda gets worried." I smiled and kissed him again. "Bye. Love you." "I love you to. Bye." He said as I gathered my bag and walked downstairs and out the door.

Authors Note: Ive decided to write a Luz and Amity fanfic so ill be posting the first chapter of that tomorrow. Thank you for almost 7k reads on this story, I really appreciate it. As always, have a good Day/ Afternoon or Night.

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