It Happend Again

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Authors Note: Before this chapter starts i have to warn you that there will be mention of Alchohal abuse in this chapter also there will be minor child abuse, so if you are triggered by that then please skip to the end and I will have a brief summary of what happened.

Edric's POV

I woke up at around 3 am to a loud crashing noise, I slowly made my way out of my room and checked to make sure that Amity and Em were still in there rooms before heading downstairs. I walked down the steps quietly, and when I reached the bottom I saw a shadow of someone in the living room, all I could hear was them muttering something like 'Why cant you just be a better mother.', before they fell to the floor.

I ran into the living room and turned on the light, "Mom, are you ok!?" I whispered yelled to her, before picking her up and dragging her to the couch, "Edric, my sweeet boy." She was slurring her words so I clearly knew she had been drinking. "Mom why are you doing this?" "Dooing what?" I sighed and took a deep breath, "Never mind, just get some sleep." I stood up and grabbed a blanket that was on the other couch, I then covered her and went back upstairs to my room.

Before I got into my room, I heard Emira whisper my name, "Come to my room." I whispered back to her before opening my door and letting her in, she then took a seat on my desk chair as I closed the door and went to my bed. "It happened again?" I nodded my head before sitting all the way back against the headboard of my bed. "Ed, we have to tell dad. I know you don't want to, but what if it gets worse?" I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed again.

"I know, its just that he's so happy Em, happier than he's been in a while. We cant take that away from him." She stood up and walked over to my bed, then she took a seat and looked at me, "I know, but we cant wait till its to late. We have to help her." I nodded my head. "Just think about it ok. Please." With that being said, she left my room and went back to hers.

The next morning I was up at 6 am since we had school today and Hunter would be meeting us here. I made my way downstairs and saw that my mom was sitting in the kitchen drinking her coffee, "Morning mom." I said as I grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet, "Morning dear, how did you sleep?" Pretty sure she has no memory of what happend this morning, but that's fine. "Good." "Hey mom, do you remember anything that happened earlier this morning?"

I placed my bowl on the table and grabbed the milk out of the fridge, "No, why?" She says as she sips more of her coffee and reads the newspaper, "No, reason. Forget I said anything about it." I sat down at the table and poured my cereal into my bowl, she looked up from her paper and looked at me, then went back to reading without saying another word.

{Time Skip To At School}

When we got to school, we all went our separate ways, Hunter and I went to my locker, "Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to snap at you. Everything's just been really stressful." I put some of my books into my locker before closing it and turning to face Hunter, "Its ok, and I know your stressed with your mom and everything." I smiled, "Thank you for understanding." I kissed him on the cheek before picking my bag up taking his hand in mine.

We walked to our first class of the day and sat down, we talked for a bit while the other students made their way into class. After class was finished Hunter and I went our separate ways since we had the next couple of classes not with each other.

At lunch time I met up with Emira, Vinney, and Jerbo at our usual table, I took a seat and waited for Hunter to show up. We were all talking when I felt Hunter snake his arms around me, "Hello, my golden eye boy," I smiled as he sat down and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Hi Goldie." I then pulled out my lunch from my bag and he did the same.

After lunch was over, the rest of the day went by in a breeze, then after school Hunter was coming back to our house since Darius and my dad weren't going to be home till around 9pm tonight, so they said they would just pick him up on there way home.

When we got to our house, I opened the door and yelled out that we were home, just in case our mom was in a similar situation to last night. There was no answer so I assumed it was clear, Hunter and I walked inside and headed straight to my room. Em and Amity had went on a couples date with there other halves, Luz and Vinney. So that meant that it was just Hunter and I for a while, which I didn't mind."

After around an hour of doing our homework, which I didn't want to do but Hunter insisted, we decided to go and get a snack. So Hunter and I made our way downstairs and into the kitchen, where I saw my mom sitting at the table drinking again. "Oh, mom I didn't think you were home. Sorry we were just on our way out." I was about to turn around when she said, "Whhhhhere, arrre yooou going?"

I looked at Hunter and whispered for him to leave, but he still just stood there, I turned to face her and said, "I'm going with Hunter to get something to eat." She then stood up and came up to me, "WITH HIM! I THOOOUGH I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" The next thing I felt was my cheek stinging. I held onto my cheek and backed away from her.

Instantly Hunter stood in front of me and said, "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" She then looked at me and her face softened a bit, "Edric, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I stayed staring at the wall, until Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door. We got outside and pulled away from him, he looked at me, "Come on, where going to my house." "No." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Edric, your not staying here after what just happened!" "No, what about my sisters? I'm leaving them alone with her." He nodded and then took my hand again, "Ok, come on were going to Luz's to tell your sisters what happened." I just nodded and let him pull me along with him, I think I was still in shock about what happened, that and I also didn't feel like talking.

Authors Note: Alright here's the summary, so basically Odalia has been drinking a bit to much of the juice since the divorce, and one night she's goes a bit to far and ends up tapping Ed's cheek a bit to hard and Hunter takes Edric to tell his sisters what happened. Hope that was a good enough explanation and thank you for reading.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Where stories live. Discover now