Chapter 6

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With his knees glued to the gravel, the Mayor stared in shock at Luffy in front of him, Looking at him with sadness in her eyes (Y/n) stood behind the Mayor with Nami and Zoro on each one of her sides

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With his knees glued to the gravel, the Mayor stared in shock at Luffy in front of him, Looking at him with sadness in her eyes (Y/n) stood behind the Mayor with Nami and Zoro on each one of her sides.

"How dare you just come waltzing back here-" Standing on top of the rooftop the clown glared downward "-TO CAPTAIN BUGGY"

"Listen..." The navigator turned to (Y/n) "...All I want is the map and the treasure!"

"Yeah..." The Swordsman scratched the back of his neck with a groan "We know"

"I say we split the treasure," The (H/c) offered "You know, Like we always do" 

"Sure" Nami gave a smirk "But I don't want you sharing with them" She then glared at (Y/n)'s crewmates while pointing her finger at them

"What's that suppose to mean?" Zoro glared back at Nami while hanging his hand off the (H/c)'s shoulder "You are working with pirates you know" He smirked, Hot breath against (Y/n) ear

"Youngsters..." The Mayor was leaning on one of his knees trying to stand up "Why are you here?" He was sweating while glaring at the ground "Stay out of this, You're outsiders! This is my fight! I'll protect my town!" Standing up the Mayor picked up a stick while glaring at the infamous clown "I don't need your meddling-"

Grabbing the elder man by the back of his head Luffy slammed the poor Mayor into the wall. (Y/n) gasped while looking at her Captain with her jaw dropping to the ground

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Shouted Nami while Luffy just dusted off his hands "Why did you attack the Mayor?!" The male turned around with a small innocent smile.

"He was in the way"

"That's good thinking" Zoro muttered with his hands in his pockets "No doubt this old man plans to die otherwise"

"I mean, Yeah..." Whispered (Y/n) while looking at the Mayor "But we could have found a different way" The Mayor was now missing a few teeth "Look he's even missing some of his teeth!" She turned with a light glare at Straw Hat

"She's right! You're CRAZY!" Screamed Nami again "There were plenty of other ways you could've done it!"

"Alright" Luffy completely ignored his new Navigator while walking forward to look up at Buggy "Here goes..." Opening his mouth wide the Straw Hat took in a deep breath "...BIG NOSE!"

"That's one thing you SHOULDN'T SAY!" The ginger hit Luffy across the head with a glare

"Damn you, You flashy idiot..." Buggy's eyes turned white in pure anger and a red vein popped on his forehead "FIRE THE BUGGY BALL" He screamed at his crew

"Why'd you say that?!" Nami ran to the side after seeing the canon pointing their way "You idiot!"

"Hey Luffy" Zoro also got a bit terrified of a cannon pointed at him "Run!" 

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