Chapter 38

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(Y/n) was quietly coughing as she pushed through the fallen rocks and wood pieces as she almost fell down them 

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(Y/n) was quietly coughing as she pushed through the fallen rocks and wood pieces as she almost fell down them 

"Come on, Luffy... A bit longer" She muttered as she finally pushed away a plank of wood and her eyes squinted from the bright light "Up you go..." She grunted as she helped Luffy get up

"Thanks... (Y/n)" Luffy whispered with a smile as he looked at her and stood up to help her before his eyes landed on the group of villagers below them "We won..." He said in realization 

"We won..." (Y/n) confirmed 

"BIG BRO!"  


(Y/n) smiled to herself as she saw Luffy make his hands into fists as he tried to collect his breath before taking in a deep breath 

"NAMI!" He shouted at the top of his lungs "YOU'RE MY FRIEND!" He screamed 

"Heh..." (Y/n) chuckled to herself quietly as she could imagine Nami tearing up 



"He won..."

"He won.." 

"He won!"

"HE WON!" 




Before (Y/n) knew it the villagers got a hold of Luffy and started throwing him up and down with cheers 

"Way to go, Luffy!" Usopp cheered "You get my praise, too! Although you weren't as good as me you still did well!" 

"Liar, Liar, Pants on fire~" (Y/n) grinned as she wrapped her arm around Usopp whose eyes widened when he saw her 

"(Y/n)!" He laughed with a smile 

"Man, Talk about being on pins and needles" Sanji smiled as he walked up to them "Take care of things quicker from now on, You damn jerk" He smirked with a cigar between his teeth 

"I don't think he can hear you" (Y/n) chuckled as she looked up at the Cook "Y-You want the shirt back?" She asked as she started unbuttoning the blue shirt that sat comfortably on her body 

"No" Sanji shook his head with a smile "Keep it, Looks better on you anyway, Love" He whispered softly 

"Hm?" (Y/n)'s eyes then landed on Nami who still had Luffy's hat on 

"Ow!—" Luffy yelped when the villagers accidentally dropped him "Haha!" he laughed with a smile "This is awesome" He smiled before yelping again when Nami put the Strawhat back on his head

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