Chapter 58

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Nami was getting worse, her temperature was rising slowly but surely

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Nami was getting worse, her temperature was rising slowly but surely. (Y/n) was forced to leave her bedside more often than she'd like to because of the whole crew now being lost without the guidance of their Navigator

Their main problem was that nobody knew what she was sick with, it wasn't a normal sickness that you could cure with a warm bowl of soup and a few pain killers... This was something more serious that (Y/n) couldn't understand 

"I knew I should've become a Doctor..." The (H/c) cursed under her breath, her head was tilted down as she looked at the book which she held with one hand while the other one rested on the helm as they sailed through the cold waters with snow falling all around them 

"Hey, give me a hand here" Zoro called over to the female who raised her eyebrow to glance his way only to see him in the crow's nest "Could you give me a coat?"

"A coat?" (Y/n) repeated, the bags under her eyes were darker than usual as she blinked to rethink the information before giving him a nod and closing the book in her hand "Sure... I'll go get it" She mumbled and stepped away from the helm 

"Hm..." Zoro's eyes narrowed on the (H/c) as he watched her slowly stride into the cabin "...Weird"

'Where is it?'  (Y/n) thought as she walked into the boys' room where she looked around the hammocks, she found Sanji's pretty quickly since it was the cleanest one but to find Zoro's was more difficult 'Dammit, I don't have time for this...'  (Y/n) gritted her teeth before she let out a relieved sigh when she found Zoro's hammock that had his coat thrown on it

Closing the door behind her with a soft click, (Y/n) walked onto the wooden floor before quiet voices made her pause in her tracks 

"She needs to see a Doctor as quickly as possible..." (Y/n) could hear Vivi speaking, her voice was worried making the (H/c) lean on the door "At this rate, Nami will— we have to tell (Y/n)...!"

"I would, but..." Sanji paused and the (H/c) could imagine him taking a puff of smoke from his lit cigar "...She's already got a lot to worry about"

"She still needs to know," Vivi said back "Nami's condition is getting worse and we can't do anything about it, as the current person in charge she needs to know that" 

"His condition is getting worse," A Doctor said as he let out a sigh and shook his head "Sadly we can't do anything about it, it's just a matter of time at this point..."

Standing with her back against the doorway, tears rounded up in the corner of the (H/c)'s eyes. Her little hands gripped a bouquet of pink roses that she hand-picked herself, the cuts on her fingers were the evidence of that

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