Ghost Ship Murderer - Boiling Soul 01

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At the end of July, it was scorching hot, and the temperature jumped up to nearly 40 degrees. On such a day... City S actually ushered in a major power outage.

The comfortable room temperature created by the air conditioner disappeared after the sun was shining for half an hour. The police station building was like a big steamer at this time. The key is that many windows in high-rise buildings cannot be opened, so in the beautiful office building, people passing by one by one. The policeman who is "disfigured" and still wet.

Bao Zheng opened the collar of his T-shirt and fanned to the door of SCI's office with a folder in his hand. He looked inside and was stunned.

In the huge office, Bai Chi was left alone.

Bai Chi was wearing a white T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, holding an ice pillow in one hand and pressing it against his neck, while in the other hand he was making shaved ice with an ice shaver machine.

"Why are you alone?" Bao Zheng walked in and looked left and right, "Where are Yutang and the others? Are you going out to work?"

Bai Chi handed Bao Zheng a glass of lemon-flavored shaved ice, and pointed to the forensic room behind him, "They are all enjoying the shade in Gongsun's room."

Bao Zheng thought about it, and the corners of his mouth twitched - the police station has its own power generation equipment, because some places must have power supply, such as the computer room in the data room, and the air conditioner in the evidence room, for example... Freezer in the forensic room.

Bao Zheng helped Bai Chi to hold the tray, and walked to the door of the forensic room with a dozen cups of shaved ice. Pushing the door, he saw a strange scene.

The door opened, and a burst of coolness hit, it was really comfortable...

There were several people sitting side by side on the dissection table, some were reading books, some were playing games with iPads, and some were chatting. The corpse locker on the side of the wall of the autopsy room had been opened several times, and there were no corpses in it, so the cold air came from there.

Everyone looked up, stared at Bao Zheng's darkened face for about 30 seconds, then swarmed up to grab the shaved ice.

Bao Zheng walked in shaking his head, closed the door, and handed the folder to Bai Yutang.

Bai Yutang took the documents and asked, "Is there a case?"

"Cough cough." Bao Zheng coughed lightly, "It's not a case, it's a task, let's see if you guys are interested."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other—a special mission? The basic police department has a clear division of labor. SCI is used to catch serial killers or perverts, and rarely takes on other jobs.

Bai Yutang opened the document and closed it at a glance, "What is so disgusting."

Zhan Zhao knew that in addition to his cleanliness addiction, he had recently developed a phobia of intensive care, indicating that his psychological stress index was rising.

Gongsun took the information and said, "What is disgusting? I like it!"

Open the folder, and inside is an A4-sized photo. The photo seems to be taken underwater. The background is dark and there are some underwater impurities, aquatic plants, and yellow-green underwater searchlights.

In the middle of the picture, there is an antique box. From the structure of the box, the craftsmanship of the copper ring rivets hooping the wooden bars, and some classical carvings, it is deliberately seen as an antique. The top of the box was full of algae and some shells were stuck to it. The box was opened by one hand. The black diving suit showed the identity of the person who opened the box. Although only the hands were photographed, it was obviously not the focus of the whole photo.

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