Ghost Ship Murderer - Blood Ship 28

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Zhao Zhen moved his hands and feet inside the Emilia.

After observing carefully for a while, he started to break off some buckles and the like.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other—is Zhao Zhen breaking the ship?

"Do you need tools?" Luo Tian walked up and asked.

Zhao Zhen shook his head with a smile, "How can you use tools? A good carpenter never uses nails."

Everyone didn't know what he meant, but they seemed quite happy, so they let him do it.

Zhao Jue sat down on the steps next to Ma Xin.

They saw Ma Xin holding his chin and looking at Luo Tian, still pursing his lips, with a contented expression on his face.

Zhao Jue's eyeballs moved slightly, with a sly smile on the corner of his mouth, he leaned over and asked Ma Xin, "Oh, the sniper's sister."

Ma Xin looked back, Zhao Jue seemed to always like to call others by code names, for example, he called Ma Han a sniper, Zhao Hu was a fool, Jiang Ping was a computer guy... He always called her as a "sniper" Sister, or a little follower of a certain forensic doctor."

Ma Xin was wondering, so he heard Zhan Zhao say slowly, "Calling people by code names shows his childishness."

Everyone looked aside—the game between Zhan Zhao and Zhao Jue was always an endless cycle of provocation → counterattack → provocation → counterattack again.

Zhao Jue gave Zhan Zhao a sideways look, and continued to ask Ma Xin, "Do you believe that there are ghosts in the world?"

Ma Xin blinked, "Well, all possibilities are not ruled out."

Zhao Jue smiled, "Then if one day you were walking alone in the dark corridor at the door of the forensic room, and saw a woman in white standing in front of you, and she was supposed to be lying on the dissecting table, your first What's the reaction?"

Ma Xin raised her face and thought about it seriously, "Well... I might think it's a little weird, but the first thing that comes to mind is probably not the ghost, but whether the one who was sent here is still alive."

Zhao Jue raised his eyebrows, "That's it."

"But." Ma Xin didn't forget to add, "It's more likely that someone is pretending."

Zhao Jue narrowed his eyes and smiled, but did not continue.

Zhan Zhao stood not far away, he could hear what Zhao Jue said clearly, and looked back at him.

Zhao Jue suddenly jumped up and ran to Zhao Zhen in front, "What did you find?"

It was only then that Zhan Zhao noticed that everyone had almost come to Zhao Zhen's side to watch.

Like magic and building blocks, Zhao Zhen turned a few valves and assembled a few steel plates. Soon, a large piece of the ground was dismantled.

Under the floor, something appeared. Under the lifted plank, there was a layer of worn-out steel plates, white with mottled rust.

Zhao Zhen stretched out his hand and knocked, making a "dang dang" sound.

"Yes." Zhao Zhen stroked his chin and began to look around.

"Is this the old ship rebuilt from an old ship?" Bai Yutang asked.

"Probably not, I may not have found the right place." Zhao Zhen said to himself, stood up, looked around, and finally found another set of cabinets, where the pipes intersected, squatted down, and started moving again. stand up.

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