Ghost Ship Murderer - Escape 19

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Ruan Wengao raised his face and looked at the balcony where Bai Yutang and the others were sitting. Probably because the sunlight was glaring, so he raised his hand holding the book to cover his face.

Through the highlights, Zhan Zhao saw the book in his hand, which was an English version of Kafka.

Zhan Zhao slightly raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Jue said in a low voice, "Yesterday he read Harry Potter, and today he watched Kafka. I remember that he read Haruki Murakami the day before yesterday, but he read Doraemon cartoons the day before yesterday."

After Zhan Zhao heard this, he remained silent, and squinted his eyes slightly to look at Ruan Wengao under the strong light. It turned out to be very "lady", elegant and demure, which really formed a sharp contrast with his short and solid figure.

Bai Yutang looked at it for a while, but suddenly asked Zhao Jue, "Is there a place here for him to do strenuous exercise?"

Zhao Jue blinked, "What strenuous exercise?"

"Fitness diving or something." Bai Yutang asked.

The corner of Zhao Jue's mouth twitched, "How is it possible, you really think this is a nursing home, and their most intense exercise every day is just taking a walk and doing exercises.

After Bai Yutang heard this, a trace of doubt appeared in his expression.

Zhan Zhao leaned over and asked, "What?"

Bai Yutang looked at Ruan Wengao who put away his book and was about to go back to the ward, and said, "He is in good condition."

Zhan Zhao was puzzled.

"This figure should be the figure of a person who exercises regularly and receives muscle training. The length of his hands is obviously out of proportion to his body, and his upper limbs are well developed, which may be related to his habit of climbing on boats all year round. Look at his chest and the thickness of the shoulders should be very good in water, if it is not practiced every day, it is impossible to maintain it so well." Bai Yutang thought for a while, and asked Zhao Jue, "How much time does he spend alone outside the surveillance range in a day?"

"At night." Zhao Jue thought for a while, "He spends a small part of his day in treatment, and spends most of his time reading. He sleeps at night and lives a very regular life."

After thinking about it, Bai Yutang called Jiang Ping and asked him to bring a set of hidden surveillance cameras.

Zhan Zhao was curious, "Do you want to monitor Ruan Wengao's life at night?"

"I suspect that he spends at least three hours exercising his muscles every night." Bai Yutang smiled lightly, "It's no problem to train his muscles to maintain his figure and exercise state, but it's strange to be secretly. And the exercise intensity is too high, really sailor or pirates may need it, but normal people don't need it at all."

"No wonder I think his figure is a bit deformed." Zhao Jue touched the stubble on his chin, "But because he looks very thin, he doesn't stand out at all."

"Being skinny is probably because he is restraining his diet." Bai Yutang asked Zhao Jue, "Is there any recipe?"

Zhao Jue called a nurse who was in charge of taking care of Ruan Wengao's life and asked him to bring some records of Ruan Wengao's daily work, rest and diet. Bai Yutang looked through it and frowned, "This is the recipe for special forces."

Both Zhao Pu and Zhan Zhao showed surprise.

"He might have had some military background, so he was strict with himself?" Zhan Zhao poked at Bai Yutang, "You don't usually pay attention to these things, what kind of restraint, exercise..."

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