Ghost Ship Murderer - Brother and Bro 34

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Xiaomi used to call Han Wei's twin brother brother, so everyone thought she would pick out Han Wei's photo and call him brother, but she was referring to another person, another person that no one had thought of.

What Xiaomi pointed out was Ryan's photo.

A blond young man, a talented golfer, who died on the guillotine in Stephen's garden.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Why him?" Zhao Hu couldn't figure it out.

"Brother!" Xiaomi pointed to another one.

Everyone looked again, and saw that Xiaomi was referring to Ding Yuan, the fur tycoon who died in the car, was shaken off, became a flying corpse, and blocked the highway.

"Interesting, interesting!" Zhan Zhao stroked his chin, and showed Xiaomi a photo of Stephen, "What about this one?"

Xiaomi tilted his head and looked at it for a while. He seemed unsure, and rubbed his chin, "Hmm..."

"Huh, what?" Zhan Zhao asked her patiently.

Xiaomi stood up, went to the closet, opened the closet door, and started to buckle a piece of wood on the side of the closet against the wall.

Everyone followed to look, and saw that Xiaomi had opened the board, and there was an old black and white photo underneath.

Xiaomi showed it to Zhan Zhao and the others.

Zhan Zhao took the whitish photo, and saw that it was a group photo of ten children aged six or seven, side by side with their arms around each other's shoulders. It was taken on the beach by the sea. The sea seemed to be at high tide, and the children were gone. calf.

Judging from their appearance, these children should be five pairs of twins. Their faces are very interesting and cute.

Although young, the contours of the face and the features of the facial features can be vaguely discerned.

One pair is the Lanmi sisters.

A pair of foreign children with blond hair and angelic looks, they should be Ryan.

The pair are Asian. If you don't remind them, you may not be able to remember their outlines, but after Xiaomi reminded them - it was Ding Yuan!

There is another pair that is very obvious. They are the Han Wei brothers. These two brothers have baby faces. Compared with when they were young, they haven't changed much.

The last pair is also a pair of foreign children. The boys have changed a lot. They seem to resemble Stephen, but they are not sure.

Zhan Zhao took that photo and sent it to Jiang Ping, asking him to analyze it. After Jiang Ping analyzed it, the information he gave back was - it was Stephen's childhood photo!

At this moment, everyone was stunned—Ryan, Ding Yuan, and Stephen were all twins, and they took pictures together in childhood. If Han Wei and Xiaomi were blue dolls, could it be that Stephen, Ryan, and Ding Yuan, is also a blue doll?

Zhan Zhao looked at the photos for a while, "The expressions of these twins are so special, don't you think they are cute?"

Bai Yutang also nodded, "They're quite cute, one is very happy and smirks, and the other has a stern face like someone owes him money."

Everyone looked at it carefully, and thought that if this photo was uploaded to Weibo, it would definitely have a lot of retweets. Unhappy one but very happy...

"Blue doll's personality seems to be very different, is it some kind of complementarity?" Zhan Zhao asked Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue raised one corner of his mouth slightly, "One is inside the mirror, the other is outside the mirror, one is lucky boy, and the other is bad luck. One is the real thing, and the other is the shadow. One is free, and the other is imprisoned forever.  Some people are finished products, some are semi-finished products, and some are appendages. Just like plants, companion populations are usually hotbeds for dangerous parasites. Although they are not dominant populations, they can cause the dominant population to perish."

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