Toothless Murderer - Dangers Around 14

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The morning sun woke up the whole city, and people started their busy day, including everyone from SCI.

When the sumptuous breakfast was served, Bai Yutang called upstairs, "Cat!"

So, Luban, Lilia, and a large group of chubby kittens behind them ran down the first floor, the little lion looking back while walking, and Lisbon who was yawning.

After that, it was Zhan Zhao who suddenly rushed out of the room, inserted himself in front of Lisbon, picked up the little lion and ran downstairs.

Zhao Jue chased him out, but was blocked by Lisbon.

The huge body of an adult male lion occupies most of the stairs. Lisbon stretched out on the stairs, shook his big furry head, and looked back at Zhao Jue in confusion. With a flick of his tail, he touched Zhao Jue twice to show his friendship.

Zhao Jue couldn't squeeze in, but Zhan Zhao had already reached the table, sat beside Bai Yutang, and raised his eyebrows provocatively at Zhao Jue, who was staring upstairs.

Zhao Jue was depressed, he gritted his teeth and grabbed Lisbon's tail and went downstairs.

Bai Yutang could tell from Zhan Zhao's energetic state that he probably won the pillow fight, and that's right, he slept soundly, but Zhao Jue didn't sleep all night, look at those two big dark circles.

Today, Bai Yutang made a Chinese-style breakfast with preserved egg and lean meat porridge. Bai Chi went to buy deep-fried dough sticks and salted duck eggs, as well as pan-fried buns and steamed buns.

There are also a lot of people in the family, and everyone is sitting around eating breakfast, which is very lively.

Zhan Zhao had a spoon in one hand and chopsticks in the other, eating happily.

After Zhao Jue sat down, he looked at the porridge and then at the steamed stuffed bun, and asked little Bai Chi beside him, "Is there any mustard sauce?"

The corner of Bai Chi's mouth twitched, "Why do you want mustard sauce if you don't eat sushi?"

Zhao Jue picked up a fried bun, "Dip in the bun and eat!"

Bai Chi silently handed him a stack of vinegar, "The buns should be dipped in vinegar."

Zhao Jue looked at the pile of vinegar with a look of distaste, and finally dipped fried dough sticks in vinegar to eat. After taking a sip of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, Zhao Jue pouted, "Just add some honey."

Everyone looked at him with disgust, Zhao Zhen suddenly and silently handed over a stack of honey.

Bai Chi looked at Zhao Zhen with wide eyes.

Zhao Zhen hurriedly stirred the honey in the porridge and drank it as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Jue patted Bai Chi, "This is called the power of inheritance!"

Zhan Zhao asked curiously, "Is the preserved egg and lean meat porridge mixed with honey delicious?" He seemed eager to try it.

Bai Yutang put a chopstick of duck egg yolk into his bowl, "Don't eat strange things!"

Bai Jintang was drinking porridge while reading today's newspaper. Gongsun asked Zhao Jue, "Why are you here?"

Bai Ye looked at Zhao Jue and signaled - it was all his idea.

Zhao Jue was trying to add honey to the porridge. When he heard Gongsun's question, he raised his head and smiled mysteriously, "Come and have a look."

"Go shopping?" Everyone looked at him.

S.C.I.谜案集第四集 S.C.I Book 4 aka Season 4Where stories live. Discover now