Toothless Murderer - Detail Fact On Basement 12

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Zhao Hu and Ma Han asked Wang Yue's neighbors, and several of them said that they had seen a strange man wandering around Wang Yue's house a few days ago. Wang Yue was almost absent during the day, so I never met him.

The uncle who lives at the door opposite Wang Yue said, "The man is in his thirties and is easy to recognize. There is a blue birthmark from his chin to his neck."

"Birthmark?" Zhao Hu looked at Ma Han—do you have any impression of such an obvious feature?

Ma Han thought for a while, then shook his head - I don't remember such a person, could it be a cover-up?

"That man looked gloomy and suspicious, but he didn't look like a thief. He was well dressed, clean, and just sneaky." The uncle recalled, "About 175-176, with very Bai. My wife talked to him that day." After speaking, he turned around and asked an aunt who was washing clothes to come out.

According to the aunt, she felt that the man was suspicious, so she asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Then the man pointed to Wang Yue's yard and asked, "Where is the man living here?"

Zhao Hu and Ma Han looked at each other. At this time, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang also came out from the courtyard.

The aunt went on to say, "He may be looking for Xu Qiang who used to live here. I told him that he died in a car accident a year ago. Then he seemed to be taken aback, turned around and left quickly."

"Are you familiar with Xu Qiang who lived here before?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"Oh, Xu Qiang... This man is quiet and never interacts with outsiders. He also leaves early and returns late. Sometimes he doesn't even know if he's at home."

"Xu Qiang..." Bai Yutang called and asked Jiang Ping to check this person's information, and then asked people from the Supervision Department to collect evidence in the basement.

Zhan Zhao's request was to restore the entire basement intact to an empty conference room of SCI, so a group of obsessive-compulsive detail investigators from the Supervision Department began to take pictures and collect evidence, and moved in a machine that looked special. Advanced machines are said to be stereoscopically scanned.

"When did you buy it?" Zhan Zhao was very interested in that scanner.

Bai Yutang reminded him, "It's probably from the equipment donated by my elder brother."

The corner of Zhan Zhao's mouth twitched, "Bao Bureau must love Gongsun very much. Hiring a forensic doctor is equivalent to pretending to be a bank in the police station."

Bai Yutang smiled and nodded.


"Ha~" After leaving Wang Yue's residence, Zhan Zhao yawned.

"When it was confirmed that several cases occurred, Wang Yue had an alibi." After Bai Yutang answered a phone call, Wang Yue was ruled out of suspicion. But after all, this girl has lived here for such a long time, and she is considered involved in the case, so she cannot be allowed to go abroad for the time being.

Zhan Zhao and others left the village, boarded the car and returned to SCI.

On the way, Bai Yutang received a call from Jiang Ping, and Zhan Zhao pressed speakerphone...

Jiang Ping's voice was a little frustrated, "Boss, Xu Qiang is a fake."

Bai Yutang frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"The tenant used Xu Qiang's ID card to rent the house. The police found his family members based on the information on his ID card. They didn't expect the real Xu Qiang to be alive and well."

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