Toothless Murderer - The Last Ride 19

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Thank you Tianlang.

This name is like some kind of switch. Once it is pressed, the dark veil will be pulled open. Behind the veil is a huge net. At the end of the net is the truth that everyone has been looking for.

From Zhao Jue's appearance to the time when he was getting closer to the answer, Zhan Zhao and the others have made enough psychological preparations in the past few years. No matter what kind of secret it is, its result is to create one tragedy after another. No matter who is behind the scenes, it is time for him to pay the price, in honor of those innocent lives.

Coming to the special prison again, standing in front of the long steep slope, everyone looked up, feeling inexplicably emotional.

The special prison on the top of the mountain has the most stringent security system in the world, with steel and iron locks, and a group of extremely dangerous creatures are trapped. These creatures have wisdom or power above ordinary humans, but they don't use them to benefit mankind. Instead, he chose to destroy.

Bao Zheng led everyone up that long steep slope. Every time they stepped on this steep slope, they had a realization that this was a dividing line between good and evil. The top was not the human world. It is often not the gods who live high, but the devil.

At the entrance of the special prison, there are three layers of tight security inside and outside. They checked everyone's documents layer by layer. They also needed various fingerprints and iris recognition to confirm their identities. It took nearly an hour to pass through each checkpoint.

Zhao Jue put his hands in his pockets and looked around with a smile.

After entering the last door, Bai Yutang suddenly asked Bai Ye, "If I let you in, can you come out?"

Bai Ye looked at Bai Yutang, smiled slightly, and remained silent.

In front, Zhao Jue also smiled inexplicably.

This time, unlike the meeting room where they met Deng Che last time, everyone sat in a huge metal elevator and came to another place, surrounded by reflective metal walls, at first glance, there was nothing but reflections.

A woman in a white coat came out. She was in her thirties, very beautiful and elegant.

"Bao Ju." After the woman greeted Bao Zheng, her eyes fell on Zhao Jue, "Long time no see."

Zhao Jue "chucked" and hid behind Bai Yutang, poking out half of his head and aiming at her.

Zhan Zhao looked at him with some puzzlement.

Like a kitten standing on a table chasing a dog wagging its tail under the table, Zhao Jue stretched out his hand and waved at the female doctor, "Why is it you? You've been promoted?"

The woman smiled, then nodded to Bai Ye, "Long time no see."

Bai Ye nodded lightly, still expressionless and cold.

"Hello." The female doctor shook hands with Bai Yutang, "My name is Fu Min, the person in charge of the special prison ward."

Bai Yutang shook hands with her, "Ward area, what are you in charge of?"

Fu Min stretched out his hand and gently pushed his glasses, "Are you very keen? I'm not a doctor, but a scientist."

Bai Yutang didn't pursue it in detail, and briefly introduced everyone to her.

When Fu Min shook hands with Bai Jintang, he smiled, "Do you still remember me?"

Bai Jintang nodded slightly.

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