•aftermath of shopping•

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After he had locked the door I heard him fall and sit on the floor. I slid my back down the door and sat on the floor, just outside the door. I heard him sob softly. I knocked on the door and slid my fingertips under the door.
"Bubba I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Can I come in please?" I didn't get a response but instead I heard the door unlocking and him falling back down onto the floor. I walked in and saw h/n on the floor curled into a ball.
"Awwww bubby come here my love. Tell me what's wrong once you've let it all out." I picked him up and set him gently on the bed, gently stroking the sides of his face. I wiped away the tears that kept falling and kissed his forehead. He looked at me with big brown eyes and sniffled.
"I'm sorry I always have to mess things up. I really just didn't feel like going out to eat. I'm not very hungry right now and you can go out if you want to, I'll be fine by myself. I'm sorry for ruining supper for you please don't be mad. I don't know what's wrong with me right now. It's like I'm there and I know that I'm there but in my head I'm someplace else. In my head I'm back at m father's house after he had a bad day. I don't know what's wrong with me y/n." He layed down on his side and hugged the pillow I sleep with. I took the pillow from him gently and took him between my arms, laying him on my chest. I ran my hands through his hair and massaged his scalp for him.
"H/n you are never ever allowed to think that you're ruining something for me. You even being there makes everything ten times better. You're safe here and you're safe in my arms always. Your dad can't get to you here baby." His body shook with sobs as he cried into my shirt. I kept massaging his scalp and let him cry it out. I started humming the tune to you are my sunshine and he started tapping his fingers on my sides. We layed there like that for about two hours. I'm falling so deeply in love with this boy it's not funny anymore. He is what my whole world revolves around and I wouldn't have it any other way. He had fallen asleep with a tear stained face but he had finally relaxed. I breathed a sigh of relief then plugged out phones in on the bedside table. I noticed he had a few messages from people at our old school.
You're a fucking freak! How did you pull someone like her? Fucking dumbass can barely pass a math class.
Holy fuck are you stupid? Go run and tell your little girlfriend.
I gasped and put his phone back down. I deleted every hateful message without a second thought. So this is what's been putting him down today. I took all of the numbers and put them into a group chat on my phone.
You fucking assholes. Anybody who does this kind of shit deserves to rot in hell. All of you need to shut the fuck up and learn your place. H/n is a king next to you whilst you are peasants. Learn your place or learn it the fucking hard way. -anonymous
He woke up at that moment and his face dropped when he saw I had his phone and my phone next to me.
"Y/n why do you have that? How much did you see?"
"Bubba you don't have to worry about anything. Next time they text you come to me and I'll handle it."
"Y/n you didn't have to do that I could have handled it on my own. Im sorry you had to do that and read those." I softly grabbed the side of his cheek and kissed his nose. I shushed him and pulled his face into my shoulder while running my hands through his hair.
"Go back to sleep baby you need it."
"I'm not tired anymore though." I traced shapes on his shoulder and pushed his face back down into my shoulder. He took a deep breath and gave up on trying. He grabbed his phone and started watching some twitch streamer. I grabbed his phone and turned on the TV. I screen shared his phone to the TV so he could watch it big screen and he smiled at me. He settled down and watched the whole stream. I fell asleep halfway through it but he woke me up when it was over. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.
"What are you doing h/n?" I asked sleepily.
"Shhhh baby it's ok. You're always taking care of me so now I'm gonna do the same for you. Don't try to protest because it's not gonna work so you just relax and let me do everything for you." I opened my mouth to say something but he put his hand over it. He started running some hot water into the bath tub and got me undressed. As he sat me down in the now full bathtub I sank back and relaxed. He put on his swim trunks and sat down behind me so he didn't make me uncomfortable. He ran his hands through my hair and massaged my scalp. I sank back into his chest and he started massaging my thighs. Every time he went up my thighs I would get butterflies. His hands were so soft and gentle. He has really really nice hands and I'd let them do whatever they want to me. He hit one particularaly tight muscle and I accidentally let out a small moan. I felt him tense up behind me but he kept going. He kissed my temple and stopped. I relaxed and got comfortable on his chest and we stayed like that until the water started to get cold. Once he got me out and dried off he put a pair of sweats on me and one of the hoodies I had bought him. He went and bought his own shampoo conditioner body wash and cologne and now his clothes smelled like him again. He carried me back to bed and pulled a blanket over me. He kissed my forehead and told me to wait there. He came back in with two hot meatball and mozzarella hot pockets. We ate quickly and he brought the plates back to the kitchen. He layed down next to me and put me on top of him. He made sure to bring a fluffy blanket up over my shoulders and kissed my forehead. With that, I fell into the best sleep I've had for a while.

fluff stuffजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें