•his girl•

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Today started off weird. I woke up and couldn't remember how to turn on the light switch. I don't know how I did that but now the whole day has been off. H/n and I decided we wanted slurpys so we went up to 7/11 to get some. On our walk there a man about 20 started following us.
"H/n there's somebody who has been walking behind us for a few minutes. While it is possible that he is walking to 7/11 as well as us I just thought you should know." I whispered. He put his arm around me and pulled me into his side, kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand. While yes, he isn't that much taller than me, he is still taller by about 4 or 5 inches. I leaned into his side and sighed. He is so fucking perfect I swear to the gods. I thought to myself.

✨TiMe sKiP bRoUgHt tO yOu bY THE BEE DUO✨🌻🐝

As we walked into the store, I immediately ran over to the slurpee machine. I decided I wanted to get blue raspberry while h/n got a mix of cherry and strawberry. Then we walked over to the candy isle and I got a big chocolate bar, some NECCOS, and a big bag of gummy bears. H/n got another bag of gummies and a box of Bottle Caps. He asked me to hold his drink while we were standing in line and the man who had been walking behind us came up to me.
"Hey beautiful. Tryna let me get your number?"
"Oh uhm no thank you. Actually I have a boyfriend."
He didnt seem to want to take no for an answer so he gradually got closer and closer. Eventually he was right up on me, still yakking my ear off.  Come on h/n where are you?  I thought to myself. He walked out of the bathroom and I saw his floppy hair bouncing as he walked. I shot him a worried look and he jogged over to where this man was still talking to me.
"Hey babe sorry I took so long! Everything alright over here?" He kissed my nose and grabbed the slurpee cups from me.
"Everything's just fine darlin! This guy was just leaving I think."

UHHHHH if you knew me IRL, no you didn't. I can't even bro this is so cringe

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