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Geonna POV

I have never swerved between lanes so fast heading to Mississippi. DJ didn't give much details on the phone besides they put her in the hospital. I left Georgia around 1:50, now it is almost 4 as i make it to mississippi lines. this was honestly one of the main reasons i was soo fearful of moving to atlanta. I just wanted to hurry and get to the hospital to check on my mom. I didn't have any clothes with me since i'm in my new car. nothing with me but my phone, keys, and purse. I haven't even told Domonique where I am or caught him up to anything. i grabbed my phone and decided to call him.
me: hey baby
domonique: hey baby. you on the way back here or you want me to meet you at your new spot ?
me: uhh, so listen..DJ called me and they put my mama in the hospital.
domonique: huh? baby what you mean? she okay ?
me: domonique i'm not sure. i just made it to mississippi, it's gone be about another hour and a half before I make it to the hospital
domonique: you okay? want me to come down there with you?
me: nah nah. i just need to clear my mind around all this. i'm okay.
domonique: baby you sure. i'll catch a flight out right now.
me: i'm good baby.
domonique: okay. well just let me know if you need anything baby.
me: i'm okay. thank you. i appreciate it baby.
domonique: alright we'll just tm when you get there
me: ight
i hang up on him as i continue to head to the hospital. when i make it, i grab my parking ticket & head inside. i don't care how much i have to pay to park, i just want to see my mom. i rush inside and go to the 3rd floor. i run to her room, and once i'm there i breath in before walking into her hospital room. I walk in to see her hooked to all different kinds of tubes. i instantly feel sadness all over my body as i try to fight back my tears. I see alisha and dj sitting on the couch while Jonathan has a chair pulled up to the side of her hospital bed. I then weakly hear my mama talk.
mama: hey baby
me: hey ma. don't try to talk. just drink your water
i blink to stop my tears and i go over to her and give her a sip of water from her jug. i rub her hair on her head hoping it calms her. it usually always does whenever i do her hair. i kiss her head and go sit on the couch between alisha and dj.
me: so what happened?
alisha: shhh. come with me
she grabs my hand and we walk to the hallway and closes the door behind us.
me: so?
alisha: i don't know. mama has been super weak for like the past weeks and short winded. I asked was she okay and did she want to go to the clinic and she kept saying no. typically, i go to the house in the morning to help her get her day started. this morning, i helped her get into the shower then i go into the kitchen to cook. i then heard a loud thud from upstairs and i run upstairs to see her body just there. she was breathing but barely. jonathan called 911.
me: why haven't y'all been said something to me ?
alisha: Geonna it's been your birthday and you been enjoying yourself. why would we worry you ?
me: worry me ? that's MY FUCKING MAMA ALISHA
alisha: lower your voice talking to me Geonna. i understand that's mama but still, i didn't wanna bother you when you have been living your best life.
me: whatever. have you told daddy?
alisha: i called him earlier and he said he would call me when he had the chance but I haven't heard from him.
me: well, let me call him. you know how daddy is.
alisha: can we do that tomorrow?
me: fine
alisha nods her head at me and we walk back inside of mama's room. everyone's spirits are down. mama was literally everything to us. nobody knew what to do if something happened to her.
alisha: well, it's almost 8, and they're gonna be around in a minute to kick us out. i have kids to go take care of and i have to get ready for work tomorrow. mama i love you and i'll be back tomorrow when I get off. DJ come on so i can take you home.
DJ: what i gotta go home for? my mama in the hospital. i'm staying. forget school
mama: boy you know i play a lot but not about school. you going to school tomorrow. *coughs*
jonathan: you good Alisha. i'll take DJ home. i have work in the morning and Dj gotta get ready for school. come on
me: well i'll spend the night and i'll keep y'all updated on everything
they nod in unison as they all begin to walk out of the room. i sigh lowly and go over to mama to give her some water.
me: you okay ma?
mama: yes baby. just tired.
me: listen, if you're tired just sleep mama. we understand.
i kiss her cheek and i then go into the bathroom. the minute i close the door, tears immediately start pouring. it hurt soo bad to see my mama like that. i had to get myself together and to be strong for her. i wipe my face and fix myself before walking back out to her. i walk out and go sit on the couch. i am hungry so i grab my wallet and walk out of the room to head to the cafeteria. i get on the elevator to go to the cafeteria floor. as i get off, i bump into someone tall.
unknown: sorry excuse me.
me: you're fine
unknown: wait, Geonna?
me: Tyler ?
tyler: girl. wassup! i haven't seen you since we graduated.
me: same *laughs*
tyler: wow. you look good.
me: thank you. so do you
tyler: preciate it. um, what you doing here?
me: mom is here. i'm checking up on her.
tyler: oh. is she okay?
me: umm, i don't know. kinda just worried you know.
tyler: of course. can i buy you something from the cafeteria ?
me: oh no no. i'm fine
tyler: please.
me: *smiles* fine.
tyler: well the only thing open right now is chic-fil-a. that's fine?
me: sure.
we walk into the chic-fil-a line and surprisingly, it isn't long like i expected. i ordered a spicy chicken sandwich meal and grabbed my ticket as i waited on them to call me.
me: what are you doing here ?
tyler: oh i work as a surgical tech up here.
me: really? do you like it?
tyler: it's alright. *laughs* i'm applying for schools other places though
me: really? like where
tyler: mostly georgia. can't go too far from home.
me: true *laughs*
tyler: i'm saying. you just look really really good. you've changed since high school?
me: by changed you mean lose weight? yea i know *laughs*.
tyler: i mean yea. but you know i've liked you before then
me: *laughs* thanks. well listen, i really have to go. i don't want to leave my mom alone too much.
tyler: you're fine. listen, i really want to take you out. is it okay if i get your number?
me: um sure.
he hands me his phone and i put my number in and then i walk away heading back to my mom's room.

i make it to her room and i'm assuming the night nurse has already been in because i see a blanket on the couch. i grab the blanket and stress out on the couch grabbing my phone to scroll on tiktok. i really wanted something to distract me from thinking and worrying about my mom so i call domonique.
me: hello
domonique: wassup baby
me: hey
domonique: i was so worried. i thought you was never gone call.
me: sorry baby. it's just been a lot going on
domonique: ma dukes okay?
me: idk. she says she is tired. she just went to sleep not too long ago.
domonique: have you ate?
me: yea
domonique: has mama a-
me: can we just not talk about mama right now. i just want a distraction right now
domonique: sure baby.
me: what you did today?
domonique: nothing really. went out with dugg earlier and i been chilling ever since. missing you
me: *laughs* i miss you more.
domonique: i might come down there soon.
me: i'm fine baby. you really don't have to
domonique: i want to
me: okay. well, i'm getting tired baby. so i'm about to call it a night. i'll talk to you tomorrow.
domonique: alright. i love you
me: i love you more *hangs up*
i sigh lowly and close my eyes as i go to sleep.

i wake up to the sound of a knock on the door. i wake up and look out the window to see if is sunny and bright. when i rise up, i see a doctors and i'm guessing interns behind him.
doctor: good morning. my name is Dr. Newton and these are 3 interns, Dr. Brown, Dr. Clint, and Dr. Ryan. I've seen yesterday when you were admitted that there were multiple labs ran.
me: yes she was, were there any results ?
Dr. Newton: well, according to what i've seen, your mother, i'm assuming has Stage 3 Lung Cancer.

All in Lil Baby StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora