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geonna p.o.v

Today is Monday and I graduate this Friday from college. I have been in Mississippi since the day after i moved into my house in Atlanta. I have been sleeping in my old room here. I have been my mom's full time caregiver while I've been here but I'm going back to Atlanta today so Alisha will be taking care of her until they come down there Thursday. me and Domonique have been sooo good lately. I am also pregnant however no one knows yet, not even Domonique! I planned on telling my family and friends Friday night at my graduation dinner. I can't even lie, it's been soo hard not being able to see and spend time with Domonique but I know it will all be worth it! He also has been a huge help with my house since I've been gone.

Im currently packing my suitcase up to head back to Atlanta but i'll be right back next week for DJ's graduation. I grab my purse and suitcase and head down stairs.
jonathan: i'll put that in your car for you
me: thank you.
can y'all believe jonathan has been super nice to me since i been here?
me: mama i'm finna go. do you need anything before i go
mama: noo baby. i'm good. I appreciate you.
me: of course mama. i love you
mama: love you more
i give her a hug as i grab my purse and walk out. jonathan gives me a hug too as he goes back inside. i think he is going to watch my mama until he goes to work tonight then alisha and dj will be here. i get into my car and crank it up and drive to mcdonald's to get me something to eat. i can't even lie, this baby don't do nothing but make me eat. i don't even have morning sickness fr or nothing else. i order a 20 piece nugget meal with a large fry, large sprite, and a mcdouble. i pull around to get my food then i get on the interstate to head to atlanta.

As i'm driving, my phone rings from asia.
asia: hey bestie
me: hey best! wassup?
asia: nun much. what you doing? how mama?
me: i'm on the way back to atlanta to surprise domonique. i wasn't supposed to
come back until wednesday. and she doing good
asia: sound like you tryna fuck some
me: i'm sooo glad you know. it's been too long
asia: *laughs* so we going out to this bar tonight to celebrate you coming home?
me: i would girl but i really just wanna spend time with domonique
asia: of course boo! that's understandable. well let me know when you make it back to the A, i'll come over and we can cook or some.
me: i will. thank you
asia: okay. love you best
me: love you more *hangs up*
i smile to myself as i begin to eat my food and listen to music heading back to Atlanta. I really didn't want to call Domonique and tell him anything because it's all a surprise!

I get off the interstate and i am very close to his house. i couldn't wait to see him. more importantly, i was so ready to fuck. it's been monthsss. i pull into his driveway and cut my car off. i then use my key to go in the front door cause the garage would make too much noise. I first decide to check the studio but he wasn't there or in the gym so i go upstairs to his room. i open the door only to find him in bed with another female. my heart instantly sinks and i feel the tears swell up in my eyes.
domonique: shit baby. it ain't even what it looks like.
i feel the tears run down my face and i instantly run down the stairs back to my car. i see him run out of the house behind me and towards my car. i instantly lock the door.
domonique: baby please. open the door. open the door. man open the door Geonna on God. listen to me
he continues pulling on my door handle. i put my car into reverse and back out of his driveway. i hear him yell fuck as i back up and it made me cry even harder. I know i'm not supposed to drive like this but i couldn't stay there. Domonique hurted me. I can't even believe i just seen that. In our bed. i literally have clothes at his house. I continue to cry as I drive back to my house.

Domonique's POV
I stand outside of my house just shocked. i continue thinking to myself how much of an idiot i am to cheat on her. the crazy thing is this was my first time cheating since she been gone. Geonna one of the few girls who done showed me real since i met her. fuck i love that girl. i go back upstairs and tell her she gotta go.
me: aye bro. you gotta go
Amber: really D? we were having fun i thought
me: aye man what i just said?? you gotta go. like now
amber: okay okay I'm going

I throw the rest of her shit at her as she tries to hurry up and leave. She moving way too slow I don't have time for it. After she leaves, I pace the room wondering what to do. I love Gonna and I can't lose her. I was just feening for some pussy and this Amber girl just so happened to appear and caught my attention so I had slipped up and fucked her. It was nothing but a one-night stand. I didn't want her nor was I attracted to her for real. I continue to think and pace the room wondering what to do. I grab my phone and decide to call Jasmine. She answers on the first ring.

Jasmine: hello

me: Jas, I fucked up

Jasmine: what you did D?

me: I cheated on Geonna and she walked in on me and the girl in my bed.

Jasmine: Domonique what the fuck?

me: I know, I know Jas. I don't know what to do.

Jasmine: Look, I'm on my way and we can work some things out to figure what you can do for her.

me: alright. I'll see you then. *hangs up*

Now, I just have to determine what to do in order to get my baby back.

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