[Chapter 1]

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"Jake! You up?!" Sunoo calls, running up the stairs of his best friends house. With no response back, he could only assume the boy was still sleeping. Shaking his head, he swings open his friends bedroom door, letting out a small sigh seeing that he was in fact still asleep. "Wakey wakey we got places to be~" He sings, wandering over to his bed side.

The brunette stirs in his sleep, muffling a groan into his pillow. "Ugh five more minutes..."

"You've had enough sleep." Sunoo pokes him, but Jake just rolls over. "We're going to be late."

"That's nothing new for me."

Sunoo rolls his eyes, and steps aside upon hearing footsteps trail into the room. A small gust of wind blows through his hair, as a backpack goes flying past his head, landing straight onto Jake. This causes the boy to elicit a deep groan of pain, and spring up from his slumber. He looks past Sunoo with an intense scowl.

"Hey this bag is flipping heavy!" 

"And do you know why that is?" Sunghoon asks sarcastically. "Cause you packed for the trip,  which, since you don't remember, is today, but at this rate we're gonna miss the bus."

Jake's eyes widened. "Shoot! How much time do I have?" He questions frantically. 

"20 minutes." Sunghoon replies, casually resting his arm over Sunoo's shoulder.

They watch as Jake jumps out of bed, and sprints to his bathroom, rushing to get ready like never before. Today wasn't just any regular school day, it was Upper Side Academy's first ever camping retreat, or as Principle Im coined it, 'Life s'more fun in the woods: A week of connecting with nature and your fellow classmates, to reduce all your negative tent-sion'. Another one of her made up events to build morale, but like always, it seemed better than doing school work. However, with all the Valentines drama that occurred two weeks ago, Sunoo could only hope that this really was a calm retreat; not some roughing and toughing it in the woods sort of thing.

"How are you feeling?" Sunghoon checks in on the ravenette beside him.

Sunoo shrugs and lets out an unenthusiastic chuckle. "Not excited for a two hour bus ride."

"Well..." Sunghoon trails off, patting the backpack over his shoulders. "I've packed all your favourite snacks for if you get hungry, downloaded a few movies you can chose from if you get bored, and stuffed in your favourite pillow from my house in case you want to sleep. Those two hours should fly by."

Sunghoon was always attentive, but ever since they started dating, he really went out of his way to look after Sunoo. It should have been a good thing, but for Sunoo, it left him feeling kinda...awkward. Going from friendship to dating really was a change, and he had no idea on how to navigate all these different situations he found himself in.

"And I've packed you nothing." He says sheepishly. If this trip had been a month ago, he wouldn't have had a problem with it, but seeing how much effort Sunghoon had put in, he could only feel bad. 

"That doesn't matter, all I need is you next to me anyway." Sunghoon smiles, and leans in, placing a soft kiss on the boys lips.

"Okay lets go people! We've got places to be!" Jake yells, as he comes storming back in, hoodie being pulled over his head of damp hair. 

The couple could only look at each other and laugh, of course this trip had to start off on a hectic note.


Jungwon snuggled further into his oversized beige hoodie, trying to gather any warmth he could on this cold, late February morning. He stared out at the quiet suburbs that passed his car window, thinking about the long week ahead. Camping really wasn't his style, and he had no idea why Principle Im would even refer to this as a retreat. Retreats are meant to be stress free, but fighting off midges for a week is far from relaxing. 

Plus, there's no such thing as 'stress free' for Yang Jungwon, especially after the two weeks he just had. From An Yujin trying to steal his [kinda] boyfriend, to thinking his [kinda] boyfriend liked Yujin, then finding out his [kinda] boyfriend doesn't like Yujin after all. Now he's mad at the [kinda] boyfriend, and he doesn't even know why. He just is, and he's way to prideful to put it all aside. 

"We've got a bit of time, do you want to get breakfast before we arrive?" 

Dark hair. Sharp features. The ability to make Jungwon's heart flutter with a single look. Jay Park was the handsome, very popular, striker of Upper Side Academy's football team. 

The two had been dating for the past few years, but always found themselves in a weird gray area. No one understood why Jay and Jungwon's relationship was like this- not even them. 

"No, I don't get hungry till 10 am on Mondays, you know this!" Jungwon snaps.

"How the hell am I meant to remember that? You're being ridiculous." 

"If you cared about me you'd remember." 

Jay rolls his eyes, which only riles up Jungwon more. He crosses his arms, and turns away, determined to ignore Jay for the rest of the car journey. 

After a few minutes of silence, he hears a deep sigh come from Jay. "I do care about you, I care about you a lot." His soft and sincere tone almost made Jungwon want to drop his mood, but he doesn't, staying turned away from Jay.

"Then you should have made that clear to Yujin." He mutters.

"And how am I meant to do that, when I don't even know where I stand?" Jay responds boldly, leaving Jungwon stumped for an answer. He finally turns back to face him, feeling his hand gently taken by Jay. "Lets not fight okay? We're gonna have a good week."

Jungwon hums quietly, as Jay smiles and kisses his hand before he lets go. He sinks into the car seat beneath him, eyes fixed on the boy who's focus was back fully on the road. He wanted to give him a chance, but he was scared. Being what they were was all he ever knew, and almost losing that, sent him into a frenzy. If they couldn't make it work, how could he cope? 

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