[Chapter 16]

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So...Jake might have got a bit distracted when Minjun showed up, and wandered off with him while he explained more about the conspiracy. Unfortunately, that left the flag unattended, and I think you can guess what happened next.

"Haha you guys suck!" Hyeongjun rubs his teams victory right in their faces, while the rest of his team laughs along side him.

It already stung to lose their very first game, but this teasing only made them feel 10 times worse. Yujin and Jungwon were already in bad moods before the game even started, but now, they looked as if they could kill somebody.

"Remember who you share a cabin with Hyeongjun." Jungwon says quite threateningly.

The brunette didn't seem phased though, simply sticking out his tongue in response.

"How mature." Yujin scoffs.

"Hey don't feel too down in the dumps about your loss, you've got all day to make up for it." Ham Wonjin pipes up from beside Hyeongjun, hooking his arm over the weakest member of their team. He leans in closer to Jake's face, with the biggest smirk imaginable. "I mean I don't think it's likely you'll find a group with worse teamwork than you, but you can always hope."

Jiwon had been trying to keep her cool up until now, because she didn't want to make any more enemy's on this trip. But what's the use in having dirt on everyone at school, if you're not gonna use it? "You know what Wonjin? I actually had a really juicy story ready to go up on I've got the gossip before we re-branded, about you and Seongmin-"

"Hey hey hey chill out!" He gulps heavily, quickly removing his arm from over Jake, and scurrying back over to his team. 

Her other three teammates were visibly impressed by her power. It even gave Jungwon an idea.

"Do you think you could use that talent to help us win these games?"


"Team C and Team O- Please report to the game area."

"If you see a tail, grab it! If they try to take your tail, dodge em! When you dodge, duck down, swing round, and nab the tail! Got it?!" 

Wonyoung stayed silent, blinking idly at the energetic boy in front of her.

"Okay! I'll explain again!"

Standing a few feet away from their teammates, Heeseung and Sunghoon were quite amused at Riki's attempt to get Wonyoung ready for the game. 

"This is gonna be a train wreck right?" Sunghoon chuckles, completely aware that they were going into their first game with no plan, so it wouldn't likely go well.

"You never know, we haven't seen the other team yet." Heeseung replies. He glances down to the neon pink material in his hand, then looks back up to meet Sunghoon's gaze. "You want it?"

"Sure, I'll take it for this game." Sunghoon shrugs, taking the flag from Heeseung.

To be quite honest, he didn't really care about winning. This was all for fun right? If he was going to lose anyway, might aswell focus on the fun part.


Anyone would assume that to be a distraction, all you had to do was draw attention. However, you can never underestimate the importance of timing. If Sunoo was too obvious, then he'd be spotted straight away, putting him at risk of losing his tail. If he loses his tail too early on, then one of their plans key components would be out of the window.

He could stand around looking suspicious and lose his tail within the first minute. That would leave 19 minutes without someone to cause confusion in the other team. To make this distraction really worth while, Sunoo needed to be inconspicuous for a good chunk of their game. Using the element of surprise to his advantage.

This was all planned out before the game started, and Sunoo was not about to veer off from his teams strategy. So, he stuck to the plan, first gathering a pile of leaves, and making the placement just artificial enough to garner attention. Then he positioned himself behind a close tree, ready to jump out and snatch a distracted persons tail. Once the game was nearing it's end, only then he would use his distraction in a more obvious way. 

A few minutes passed with Sunoo not seeing a single person, and he began to wonder if he hadn't picked the best location. It wasn't the biggest deal, since he'd have many more games to prefect it, but he couldn't deny he felt this pressure to live up to the standards set by his skilled teammates.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by the quite rustle of leaves crunching under cautious footsteps. He feels a spark of anxiety course through him, as he knows this could be his only chance at contributing to his team. Slowly, he peeks around the tree to assess his rival, in time to see a very familiar blonde kick over his pile of leaves.

"It's not there, I'm just a distraction." He chuckles, stepping out of hiding for a moment. 

The blonde's dull expression lights up at Sunoo's appearance. "So who's hidden it then?" He asks with a smirk. "Or is that asking too much?"

"It's too much." Sunoo responds lightly. He walks back over to his tree, and waves Sunghoon away. "Now can you go or I might actually have to try and steal your tail."

"You see I trust you too much." Sunghoon pulls out a neon pink flag from his pocket, causing Sunoo's eyes to go wide. The blonde ambles over to his tree, tucking the flag in a gap under one of the roots. "I guess I'll hide it here and hang with you." He says, casually leaning against the tree.

Lets just say Sunoo was shocked, he didn't think Sunghoon would be so trusting, and was definitely thrown off by it.

"Remember, If you can't get to a flag on your own, text the group chat I just made and say where you are." Jay's words played over in Sunoo's mind, but he was hesitant to act on them, because he thought it might upset Sunghoon.

Though, once he thought it over, he knew what had to be done.

This was a game after all, which meant someone had to win.

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