[Chapter 24]

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"Canoeing? Ugh aren't there any other options?" Jungwon groans.

"Looks like we have a canoeing super fan right here!" Dahyun chirps. Yet again proving how little she cared about the students complaints. 

After all the students had gathered into their homeroom classes, they were separated further into groups combining two classes at a time. Mrs Son's and Mrs Yoo's homeroom classes were paired up, and taken through the woods. Their destination a long winding river.

"This is the important stuff so listen up! Two per canoe. Each person must wear a life jacket. You can go as far or stay as close as you like, but those going further can't go past the orange rope. Staff members will be scattered along the rivers edge, if you're ever in trouble look for them. Do not dive into the water, only our staff are trained to do so." Dahyun finishes up her instructions with a clap. "That's really all, I'll leave you too it. Mrs Yoo's class is going first." She adds, smiling at Mrs Yoo before wandering off to find another group.

At that, Mrs Yoo begins getting her class ready for canoeing. She quickly gets them all into pairs, and makes sure they all have life jackets on, then lets them pick out their canoe's.

"I really don't wanna do this." Jungwon squeaks out, anxiously staring at his canoe.

"Oh you'll be fine Wonnie! Lets just stay in the shallow bit." Wonyoung says, carefully climbing into the canoe. She turns back to look at Jungwon with a gentle smile. "We'll go back if it's too scary, okay?"

Jungwon hesitates for a moment, looking around at all his other classmates, who were either getting into their canoe's with no problems, or already in the water. Usually, Jungwon wouldn't give a shit about what other people thought of him, but for some reason, being the only one who didn't participate made him feel a bit anxious. 

"Mm okay." He agrees reluctantly, deciding to give it a go.


While Mrs Yoo's class was out on the water, Mrs Son's students were free the roam the length of the river. Sunoo and Jake spent their time taking pictures of Sunghoon. The blonde kept posing for them, which distracted him from rowing so much that he ended up bumping into another canoe.

"Hey! We're taking b roll here!" Jiwon squeals, gripping the sides of her canoe, attempting to steady it.

"Sorry Jiwon!" Gaeul calls from behind him. She leans forward to slap the boys shoulder. "Pay attention." 

Sunghoon turns to face her with a devilish grin. "Take your own advice." He snickers, instantly flicking some water up so it splashes Gaeul.

"Oh you don't want to start this." She giggles, lightly splashing some water back at him.

It soon turns into a full on water fight.

"You guys are ridiculous!" Jiwon yells, caught in the cross fire. She angrily rows away as water drips down her face. "They completely ruined our shot!" She vents to herself.

The girl behind her did not share the same thought, actually continuing to film the cute moment before Jiwon realized.


"I feel like I'm taking my dog for a walk." Heeseung chuckles, gesturing to Riki who was running along the waters edge.

"That kid has too much energy." Jay comments, feeling tried just from watching him.

"There's Junhyuck." Heeseung says, which instantly causes Jay to stop walking. The red head turns to him with furrowed brows. "What's wrong?" 

"I don't want to talk to him." 

Using simple deduction, Heeseung could confidently guess the reason why Jay and Jungwon were fighting.  "Alright, we'll stay here then." He had no interest in drama anyway.

Unfortunately for Jay, Junhyuck had already noticed them, and made his way over. "Have you seen Jungwon? He looks pretty freaked out." 

Jay rolls his eyes. "He's afraid of water, but of course you wouldn't know that." 

"Oh, that makes sense then." Junhyuck replies, scratching his nape awkwardly. "There's really nothing to be afraid of though, we've never had any accidents or anything."

"Nice to see you're so quick to invalidate his feelings." Jay snaps. It wouldn't matter what Junhyuck said, anything would annoy Jay, especially if he's talking about Jungwon. 

The tension was definitely a bit heated now, but Junhyuck didn't understand why. He's not even pursuing Jungwon, so why was Jay so mad? "Listen dude, I don't know what you-"

Suddenly Junhyuck is interrupted by a loud scream. "Oh my god he's drowning!" 


Every second on the water felt like hell for Jungwon. Never in his life had he been able to swim, so he avoided activities like this for a reason. He flinched at every little rock of his canoe, praying that Mrs Yoo would call them back in, even though he had barely been out there for five minutes. Thank goodness Wonyoung wasn't adventurous, because that at least meant he stayed in the most shallow part of the river.

"Owie, no one told me my arms would hurt this much." Wonyoung whines, placing down her paddles so she can rub her sore arms.

"You're so weak." Jungwon scoffs, placing down his own paddles as well. "When will this be over?"

As the two took their break from paddling, Wonyoung focused on her sore arms, while Jungwon tried to focus on anything but the water. 

Naturally, his mind quickly traveled to his fight with Jay last night. He just couldn't get over how rude Jay was to him, over something so innocent, and didn't even give him a chance to explain. It was frustrating. He literally rejected Junhyuck, and still, he was the bad guy. Plus, all this morning Jay had been avoiding him, which didn't make him feel any better. 

"Um Jungwon..."

"What?" Jungwon asks, attention back on reality. 

"We've gone a bit far." Wonyoung mumbles.

Panic spikes through Jungwon as he realizes how far his canoe had gone without them even paddling. No they weren't incredibly far from the starting point, but they were definitely far enough for Jungwon to freak out. His eyes widen, and his heart starts to race, he quickly grabs his paddle, and plunges it into the water. 

"Paddle already!" He commands with urgency. As Wonyoung goes to pick up her paddle, he yells again. "Faster!" 

"You're scaring me." Wonyoung proclaims, refusing to pick up her paddle. 

"And you don't think I'm scared?!"

The situation escalated very fast, in a sort of, you'd blink and you'd miss it way. Jungwon reached forward to grab Wonyoung's left hand, with the intention of forcing her to paddle, but from putting too much weight on one side of the canoe, suddenly, they found themselves tipping into the water. 


It's currently still new years eve for me, but happy new year anyway!

Important question: If I was to write another SunSun book, would you prefer it to be A] lighthearted and cute, or B] mature and deal with more serious topics - possibly including smut.

I have a couple stories in my drafts, and I just wanna know what's best to invest my time into.

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