[Chapter 27]

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There was a lot going on in Jay's mind as he stood outside the retreats infirmary. His eyes veered up to the full moon, filling him with guilt, knowing that he'd been avoiding this visit all day. Truthfully, it was hard to face Jungwon. Seeing the person he loved in danger, made him realize how stupid their fight was yesterday, but still, he didn't want to apologize for it. If he went in there Jungwon would expect an apology, and he just wasn't prepared to give him that.

"Jay. We should talk."

Turning around, he see's his homeroom teacher Mrs Son approaching him. The woman appeared slightly burdened, as if she didn't want to be having this conversation.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, voice soft and full of care.

The boy sighs. "I don't really know."

Mrs Son steps forward, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. "What happened today was very scary, and you shouldn't have had to go through that. If you need to talk about it, just let me know." She says with a soft smile, patting his shoulder a couple times before stepping back. "I want you to know that I'm very proud of you, and I'm in no way saying that what you did was wrong, but as your teacher I have a duty to remind you that rules are there to be followed for a reason. You never know what could have happened-"

"Jungwon could have died. It's that simple." He bluntly cuts her off. The last thing he needed right now was to be lectured about the rules.

"I'm on your side Jay. Trust me." She replies firmly. "I have to talk to you about this, or else you'll get sent home." 

That wording just riled him up more. "Sent home? I didn't even do anything wrong."

"I agree, honestly it's their incompetence that's to blame. If they did their job, you wouldn't have had to jump in. I'm just as annoyed as you." 

Jay was actually quite surprised at Mrs Son's response . She had a reputation around the school as being the best teacher, but he never really understood why. Sure she was nice, but there wasn't much more than that. He was starting to see why everyone liked her so much.

"It's just that if you had gotten hurt, then TFW Retreats would have been liable. In Jungwon's case it was an accident, but you actively chose to break the rules, so they're worried you might do it again. Principle Im and I spent the last thirty minutes convincing them to let you stay."

"Why would you do that?"

The woman smiles as if it was so obvious, reaching forward to ruffle his hair affectionately. "Because you're a good kid, and I won't let a bunch of strangers bash my student. Now please, if you wanna break the rules, just don't get caught."

Jay chuckles at that. "Sounds good to me."


"Wait! You've still got hair!"

As soon as Jungwon steps out of the infirmary, he's met with the high pitched squeal of Wonyoung. He furrows his brows at her comment, glancing over to Gaeul who was just laughing. "Of course I have, why wouldn't I?"

"Gaeul said you had to have brain surgery, and now you're bald!" Wonyoung replies dramatically, running forward to tug on Jungwon's hair, making sure it wasn't a wig. "Oh it is real!"

While being poked and prodded by Wonyoung, Jungwon's gaze falls on the giggling girl. "Happy?"

"Very." Gaeul responds through her laughter.

Once Wonyoung had gotten over her shock, the three of them met up with their other classmates, to participate in the first activity of the morning. Thankfully, it was just a hike, and didn't involve anything that could give someone brain damage. 

They were in the same mixed class as yesterday, which meant that Jay was with them. Gaeul noticed quickly that the ravenette was constantly staring in their direction whenever she glanced back, and just assumed he was staring at Jungwon. But after a little while of walking, she realized it was actually her, he was trying to signal to. So, when she got the chance, she split off from Jungwon, and headed over to the boy. 

"You should have visited him." She tuts, while crossing her arms, slotting herself at his side.

Jay rolls his eyes. "I don't need your advice."

"Then what do you want?"

"To see how well you remember our little conversation two days ago."

It takes a few seconds of pondering for Gaeul to work out what Jay was talking about. When she eventually did, her expression becomes somewhat annoyed. "I'm not getting into trouble." She huffs. It made sense why he was being so vague, but she was not impressed that he had come to her for help.

"Well you won't." Jay reassures, before looking around to make sure no one was listening. He leans closer to the girl. "Lets throw a little party tonight, so we can actually make some good memories at this damn retreat."

"I guess you make a good point." Gaeul may have been responsible, but she didn't hate fun. After thinking about it, she was pretty confident that as long as she was involved, they could throw the party without getting caught. "So let's say we steal this alcohol, then what? Where are we having this party?"

"Heeseung's cabin, it's furthest away from the staff."

"So that means you're inviting Jungwon right?" Gaeul smirks, nudging the boy beside her. "Great opportunity to fix things."

"I already told you I don't need your advice." Jay snaps. "And obviously he's coming, I'm not that much of a dickhead. Anyway, you invite your lot, not Yujin though. I'll sort the rest."

Gaeul furrows her brows. "Why not Yujin? She's still our friend."

"And it's my party, so I say, no fucking drama." Jay replies, walking ahead of the girl, he spins around to add. "Also before you ask, no Rei either. She may have been on our capture the flag team, but she's still attached to gossip girl, and she's the last person anyone wants at a party."

"Got it." Gaeul states with no enthusiasm. Jay just nods and walks away. 

It felt quite annoying that he was bossing her around, especially when she was putting herself on the line to help him. Even though they were working together, it was 'his party', which made it ever so tempting to tell him to do it all on his own then. However, she held her tongue, and went along with it, less interested in this party than she was originally. 


I've been a bit tired over these past few days, so I struggled to write anything. Anyway, here's another chapter, sorry for the delay.

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