[Chapter 23]

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"Can all students make their way to the central hub, and gather in their homeroom classes."

The sweet artificial flavor of cherry pie engulfed Sunoo's taste buds, as he stared up at the loud speaker, holding the white lolly stick poking out of his mouth. Immediately, he looks around for any of his friends, pulling out his lolly pop when he see's Sunghoon leaving his cabin. 

"Sunghoon!" He calls out, running over to the blonde. The boy was clearly mad at him, from the way he just huffed and walked past. He had thought that maybe everything would be okay after a night's sleep, but that wasn't the case. He jogs up to the blonde again, putting his lolly pop back in his mouth, so he could grab the boys arm. "Don't be mad at me, I'm sorry about yesterday." He says in the most lovable tone, knowing that Sunghoon couldn't resist his cuteness. 

His plan most definitely worked, as Sunghoon struggled to hold back a smile. "Sunoo-"

"Please, please, please, please don't be mad at me!" Sunoo cuts him off, with an adorable little pout, tugging on Sunghoon's arm. This finally causes a smile to appear on Sunghoon's face. Using that momentum, Sunoo reaches into his pocket and pulls out another lolly, pushing it towards Sunghoon. "Here! You can have one of my lollies! Just please don't be mad at me!"

"Fine, but I'd rather have that one." Sunghoon smirks, pulling the lolly out of Sunoo's mouth and placing it in his own. "Delicious."

"You're gross!" Sunoo whines, slapping Sunghoon's arm gently. 

The blonde chuckles, then grabs Sunoo's hand. "Let's go see what torture they're gonna put us through today."

Obviously, Sunoo didn't like fighting with Sunghoon, so he was happy they had made up. However, there were still some underlying issues that he couldn't ignore. This just wasn't the right time to talk about it.


"There she is!" Gaeul chimes, pointing over to their homeroom teacher Mrs Yoo.

"Okay- woah what the fuck!" Yujin interrupts herself angrily, as she stumbles forward into Gaeul. 

The girl spins around in shock, helping steady her friend. "What happened?" She asks, before they both notice Jungwon walking past them. 

"Wow, your ego must be so big now it's blocking your vision." Yujin snaps, ignoring Gaeul's whispered pleas to not start any drama. She wasn't just going to let Jungwon push her, and not say anything.

The brunette turns to her, appearing completely guilt free about his actions. "Nope, but my conscience does tell me I shouldn't give a shit if I bump into assholes." He hisses, turning and walking away from the two.

Yujin was furious, fists clenched at her sides, face all tensed up. She was about 0.5 seconds away from lunging at Jungwon, but luckily, Gaeul was there to stop her from doing anything extreme.

"Is this about Jay still? We won't be able to end this until you apologize." Gaeul sounded rather frustrated. It got tiring being the mediator all the time; she would much prefer a more peaceful life, where her best friends didn't hate each other.

"I'm not apologizing when he acts like that-"

"And do you act much better?"

Yujin rolls her eyes at Gaeul's question. "Why do you always side with everyone but me?"

"I don't take any sides." Gaeul replies, shaking her head. 

"Whatever." Yujin scoffs. "I'm going over to Mrs Yoo."


While waiting for his classmates to arrive, Jake couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning. He felt so giddy; he struggled to keep a smile off his face. That was his first ever date, and it went so well. Truthfully, his little crush on Lee Heeseung was quickly transforming into something more. 

"Aww there's my favorite couple!"

Jake's ears perk up, as he hears Mrs Son, knowing exactly who she was talking about. He turns to look where the woman was standing, a smile breaking out when he see's Sunoo and Sunghoon together. Thank goodness they had made up. You couldn't even tell they had fallen out in the first place, as they were acting just as sweet as usual.

Unfortunately, like always, Jake felt awkward again. He really wanted to go over there and spend time with his best friends, but he also didn't want to interrupt the love birds. So, he decided to stay back, watching them be happy from the side lines.

"I swear I never used to see you on your own this often."

Jake sighs, keeping his gaze fixed on his best friends. "The last thing they want is me hanging around."

"Did they tell you that?" Heeseung asks, nudging Jake lightly. The boy simply shrugs in return. "It could be all in your head you know? If they haven't told you they don't want you around, then why are you so quick to assume it?"

"Because I don't want to hear it." Jake mumbles, his head hanging low. "It'll really hurt me if they tell me to stay away from them, so I'm not giving them the chance." Suddenly he feels a gentle grip on his chin, lifting his head up, now meeting Heeseung's soft gaze, his cheeks flush pink in response. 

"Listen, I'm only an outsider to your friendship, and I'm not claiming to know more than you, but I doubt either of them would want you to feel like this. Obviously they want to spend time with each other, they're a couple, but they also need their friend. You've been together for like- what? 17 years? Don't push them away over something you don't even know is true."

Why did he have to be so charismatic when giving advice? Jake had to work really hard to listen, or else he'd get easily distracted by how handsome Heeseung looked. The advice was good though, and was actually really helpful to hear. Heeseung had a point. He knew his best friends like the back of his hand, and if they didn't want him around, Sunghoon would have definitely told him already. He just needed to stop overthinking everything.

"Fought with Jungwon again?" 

Jake hears Heeseung ask, now noticing Jay had joined them.

"He's in Mrs Yoo's homeroom remember?" Jay replies, a layer of annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, but that wouldn't have stopped you bef-" 

"I don't want to talk about this." Jay cuts him off harshly.

Heeseung got the message loud and clear, shutting his mouth to not pry anymore. Another day, another JayWon drama. 

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