Land of Waves 1: Tree Climbing

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'Zabuza Momochi...' Naruto and Kakashi thought.

Naruto's POV

I watched as Kakashi fought with Zabuza, I felt useless by not helping but my charge comes first.

Soon enough, Zabuza overpowered Kakashi and so, he got trapped in a water prison.

I didn't know what to do, should I risk my rank to save Kakashi and the others or should I risk it and try to find another solution?

All these thoughts came running through my head, I was trying to find a way so no one would get killed in the process.

'If I fight Zabuza to save Kakashi, I could risk my rank getting revealed but if I find a way to save him while my skill level remained as genin, I might risk Kakashi getting killed.'

I kept thinking on all the possibilities while the grey haired shinobi shouted at us to run away.

Then, an idea came to mind.

"Sasuke!" I shouted.

I grabbed my demon wind shuriken out of my bag and made my clones transform into them then, I threw them to Sasuke who had his hand out, ready to catch it.

I saw Zabuza smirk in the corner of my eye, probably thinking he could win against a bunch of genins.

One of the things I've learned from being an Anbu was to never underestimate my opponents, I made sure my subordinates learned that too.

Most learned from the first day they had to call me 'taichou'.

Flashback no jutsu!

It's been a week since I started training, so far, all the stuff I was learning from Kakashi-nii and Itachi-nii were pretty easy.

They taught me all the academy jutsus in a mere week and apparently, i was a prodigy for learning them all in a week.


I was waiting for Kakashi-nii with Itachi-nii, we've been waiting for an hour or so and I can see weasel-nii getting frustrated. Even if he was calm and has everything together, the only thing that could make him frustrated was waiting for a long time.

Just before the Uchiha exploded with hidden anger he had, the dog summoner arrived!

He smiled, making eye make an upside down 'u' and said some unbelievable excuse only an idiot would believe.

"Sorry I'm late to your Anbu entrance exam, Naru-chan!"

"Don't call me 'Naru-chan, it's embarrassing!"

We walked to the T&I department which was where the Anbu entrance was held.

We stopped at the front door since Kakashi-nii and Itachi-nii couldn't enter because they were already an Anbu.

"Good luck Naruto!" They both said.

When I walked inside, all eyes turned to me. I was expecting hateful glares but all I got was confused ones.

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