Thank You ^-^

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First of all, Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you for everyone reading this story and for being supportive!

Sadly, this story has come to an end. I hope I made a satisfying end to this story though!

I'm thinking of writing another fanfic. If I do make another, I'll write the main plot below if you're interested!

Main plot:

On October tenth, Kushina gave birth to twins, Naruto and Mito. The Kyuubi was also released but was sealed into Naruto by Minato.

Danzo was in the area when he saw this and seeing this as an opportunity to make a weapon, he took the boy when no one was looking, leaving Mito behind.

Hiruzen knowing Kushina had two children, assumed Danzo had the eldest and tried to get him back but failed because of the lack of evidence.

When Naruto turned 12, Hiruzen finally had enough evidence and made a deal to Danzo to let Naruto take the Genin Exams.

The deal was that he could still take his Root missions while being a Genin in hopes to get his emotions back and to create bonds with his sister who doesn't even know he exists.


I'm really grateful that you even clicked on this fanfic so thank you for reading this far!

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