Chapter 5

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Holy mother of God, her tongue works like literal fucking magic.

She slides her tongue through my wet folds. I arch my back and let out a loud moan. My hands cling to the bed sheets while my chest rises and falls.

Her raspy voice talks against me, "So wet..." I can also sense the smirk.

She licks around my clit and pulls my legs further apart as I shiver.

The intense pleasure of her tongue causes me to fall back into the bed after I had managed to raise myself up onto my elbows and stare down at her.

I groan, grabbing the back of her head and pushing her closer. A light chuckle escapes from her mouth at my action, sending vibrations through my body.

Whimpers leave my mouth at the pleasure this girl is giving me. "Jesus Christ" I whisper squeezing my eyes shut.

I slightly rock my hips against her perfect mouth, in need for more. "So needy" she mumbles cockily.

I try to close my legs as the unknown feeling rises to my stomach. But once again, she pushes them apart.

"Hazel?" I moan.


"I think I'm gonna c-" my own moan has cut me off as I shutter at the feeling.

My back arches, my head tilts back, my eyes squeeze shut and my legs shake.

"Holy fuck!" I let loose and my God that felt amazing.

She cleans me up with her tongue before coming back up to my face.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, unable to speak.

She leans in and kisses me, I instantly return the gesture.

"You did good" she praises.

I hum. Fuck I am so sweaty right now ew.

"Let's get you in the shower yeah?"


She picks me up by my thighs and carries me to the bathroom. She places me against the wall so I don't fall and turns the water on.

"I'll wait in my room okay?"

Wait she's not joining?

Isn't that kinda the whole point of aftercare?

"Oh okay..."

"I'll have one with you next time" is all she says before leaving, but not before looking at her clothed arms.


———next day———

After I went home from Hazels yesterday around mid day, I was so happy.

I got my first kiss, my first time happened. And the best part about is that fact that it was with my crush.

But I can't help but think what if that's all it was?


No relationship.

I decide to give her a quick call and ask if we could work on the project today. Something subtle you know?

Oh. She didn't answer. I'll send her a quick text then.

5 minutes later, and still no reply.

Maybe she's still sleep? I mean it is only 11am.

But what if she's ignoring me?

What if she didn't actually enjoy yesterday?

I bite my lip as I think all about it, what if I was just a quick fuck?

I internally groan at all my thoughts, and lay down on my bed.

What if I just go to her house?

Wait no, that'll be creepy and weird, and she'd probably think I'm crazy obsessed with her.

...which I am.

I'll wait till 3pm. If no texts or calls come from her, I'll literally spam her phone until she picks up.


It's been 7 hours. I haven't heard from her.

I know we're not in a relationship or anything. But the least she could do is call me after being my first time. Right?

Ughhh I'm just gonna have an early night, if I don't hear from her by the time I'm ready for the day tomorrow, I'm going to her house.

It wasn't just some stupid hookup to me, it was my first time and it meant something to me. She knows it too. It's just a dick move to ignore me.

Short chapter but anyways

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