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The day of the King's funeral dawns bright, rain overnight cleared the way for beautiful blue skies, it's like nature wants to show its respect for King Leonates too. I have a lot to thank him for, even if my current predicament isn't ideal. I still trust his judgement, he said all this was necessary and I believe that. Perhaps there's a threat to Nate's life I need to be prepared for. Maybe someone plans a coup and the King wants me on hand to make sure Nate isn't suckered in by some Princess. No matter what the threat, the King clearly thought Nate needed protection so I will protect him.

Today will be the first time we are in public as a married couple. I've done as he asked, I've worn the gowns, stayed in my rooms and only left them with Adam. After last night's debacle though I wonder how today will go.

Florence dresses me and adjusts my hair so it sits in a bun at the nape of my neck. She fixes a veil as is customary and then shows me how to arrange it on top of my head while we are inside.

"You'll come back here afterwards, to change for the wake." She says as I'm about ready to leave.

"The wake?" I grumble, "Really? But there will be so many people there who hate me." I whine.

Florence smiles at me like I'm a stupid child, "The King insists, the whole family is going."

I head out of the room sulkily just as Nate appears in the corridor and nods to me.

"Good, you're on time." He begins walking away from us and I rush to catch up. He offers his arm and I take it suddenly feeling small and lost, in need of protection. I shake the thought away, I've never needed anything before, and I am not small or so lost I can't take care of myself.

"Do you need me to do anything?"

He looks at me and nods. "Stay quiet and look pretty."

I stare at him, but he has turned back to the corridor, focused on something else. Is this what I can expect for the rest of my life?

We step into the palace's main hallway, marble pillars surround it in a circle as a staircase swirls around the walls. Family members are already gathering, servants are fussing over hats and gloves and there is a general air of anticipation which puzzles me. We are attending a funeral, not an event.

"Ah!" An imperious voice calls out and an old lady makes her way to us. "Here she is, the secret bride." She speaks so loudly there's no one in a mile radius that isn't in on the secret now. I somehow manage a small smile as she takes my hands, "he's been keeping you busy I expect."

At first, I don't understand what she means but then the embarrassment on Nate's face makes it click and I almost pull my hands away in shock.

"Thank you, Aunt Maeve, we don't want to cause any fuss today, so we are keeping our secret a little quieter than that, out of respect. You understand." Nate speaks quietly, removing my hands from the old lady and turning her away.

"I've always liked you." She declares over her shoulder at me, and I smile surprised she's even noticed me. Nate returns to my side.

"That's Aunt Maeve, she's erratic." He mutters.

"Does everyone think...What does everyone think?" I finally manage to ask.

Nate turns towards me, so his back is to the room and begins to lower my veil. "We thought it would make sense for newlyweds to take time away in their rooms, away from the family."

"You've been hiding too?" I ask.

"I've been working, but mostly I've kept to my room." He drops the veil and suddenly my ability to see is halved. At least I won't have to see the smirks and knowing looks.

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