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I've been buried in paperwork the whole day and didn't even get lunch. There was so much to do. There was a knock on the door then I saw Bella's head poking inside making me smile. "Hey, you. That's a lot of paperwork", she said looking nervous. "Tell me about it. Come in", I said and instead of her entering alone Leo followed then a worried-looking Sofia. Leo smiled but I was too distracted. "They are just here to talk. I hope it's ok", Bella said. 

My hands were so shaky that I had to hide them under the desk and then swallow hard. "Angel, I came to apologise for everything. I know that I can't bring back time but I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me. I know you have been through a lot because of me and you have lost so much and am so sorry. I hate myself for what I did to you. And I know it's selfish of me to ask this but my family is all that I have. I can't lose them. Please forgive me", she said with tears.

"Uh... can you excuse me just for a few minutes? I'll be right back", I said rushing to the ladies' room. I stood by the sink. Looking at myself in the mirror, was I dreaming? I splashed water on my face a couple of times. How can I know if this is real? How can I know if she's honest with me? I felt a hand on the low of my back. "Hey, are you ok?", Leo asked calmly as if he was afraid I would break. "Yes. I just had to make sure it was real", I said looking at his eyes through the mirror.

"It's real. Am sorry I didn't tell you we were coming. It felt wrong when she apologised to me, I wanted her to apologise to you. I will only forgive her if you do", he said then kissed my temple. "The funny thing is, I forgave her a long time ago. I just never thought she would come and apologise in person", I said turning to face him, my safe haven. The love of my life. He didn't say a word, he kissed my lips making me melt into him.

They were complete opposites, I didn't understand how someone like him could be related to Sofia. He deepened the kiss making me hold his face in my hands as he held me tighter. "Oh my god, am sorry", someone said and ran out of the room making me pull back. "We can go back now", I said while panting. "Yeah we should", he replied with his eyes closed. "Are you thinking of naked old people?", I asked with a smile. "Yap!", he answered making me laugh at his way of getting rid of a boner.

"You're unbelievable. I can't believe Leo thought you meant it", we heard Bella shouting when we reached my office. "I do ok? I don't want to lose my family, any of you", Sofia replied sounding like she was crying.

"You lost me a long time ago, it has nothing to do with Angel and you know it", Bella spat. I had to intervene. "Bella stop. You need to look past it. We need to forgive each other. Sofia... I forgive you", I said looking at Bella. "You can't be serious. Just because she mentioned family doesn't make it easy to forgive. She's faking it so that Leo can trust her again, why can't you see that?", Bella whined.

"Bella... you need to forgive her. If Jonathan was really in love with you then he wouldn't have betrayed you and slept with your sister", I said and watched tears run down her cheeks. "What did you just say?", Leo asked, and when I turned. I saw he was pissed. "You didn't know?", I asked and he shook his head. Crap! I think I just made it worse. "You were dating Jonathan?", Sofia asked looking confused. "Yes! He was the very first man that I ever loved and you took him from me!", Bella said with so much pain. "I didn't know. I swear, I didn't know", she said dropping herself on one of the visitor chairs. I believed her. 

"Bella, you have Tyler now and he loves you more than himself. You don't have to carry this burden. Sofia is your sister at least you still have one who is willing to patch things up with you. You need to forgive her. We need to move on and it starts with forgiveness", I said looking into her eyes. She blinked the tears away and then nodded her head. I stepped aside as she walked to where Sofia was sitting with her head in her hands. She sat next to her.

"Am such a mess. I destroy everything", Sofia said her hands still holding her face. "Sofia. I want to start over. I want to make us work", Bella said making Sofia look up. Their eyes meet. The smile on Bella's face made Sofia smile too. They hugged each other and it was an amazing view. I felt lips on my forehead making me turn to Leo. "It's your turn", I whispered. He walked to them and sat on a coffee table that was in front of them. "Am up for it too", he said opening his arms to his sisters. They hugged him. I took a picture and sent it to him.

"OK then. I think we need to get out of here because we don't want a cranky Angel. She gets cranky when she gets behind on her work", Bella said making Leo and Sofia laugh at me. "No I do not", i said with my brows furrowed. "Yes you do", Leo said making me roll my eyes at him. "Ha ha ha ha", i said sarcastically as Bella showed them out. Leo ran to me and pulled me in a kiss that earned a whistle from Victor. "I see it all worked out perfectly without me huh?", he said but Leo decided to pretend he wasn't there and deepened the kiss. One of his hands squeezing my butt cheek. I moaned and the next thing we heard was my office door being closed in a rush. "You're proud of yourself aren't you?", I asked when he pulled back and had a huge smile on his face. "Yap!", he replied.

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