Catch up Dinner

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Dinner check, Breastfeeding Audrey and Aaron check, looking sexy for Leo check. Let's get this show on the road. If you ask me, the dinner thing was very sudden. Leo is a very organised man. I know something's up but it's too late to ask him now because he'll be on his way with Cruz.

I heard the front door open and I rushed to it. I found Leo holding the door open for Cruz, Sofia, and Jason. I was happy to see him until his eyes met mine and his were filled with anger. I furrowed my brows wondering who pissed him off. He approached me and tried his best to act normal, he hugged me, and his body was tense.

"Hey, wife. You look beautiful" he commented and smiled. It didn't come with the sparkle I usually got from his eyes. "Hey, is everything ok?", I asked and instead of answering me, he kissed my lips passionately. "Get a room will ya! I'm hungry", Cruz complained making me pull back. Leo's eyes were closed. He was trying to calm down. What the actual fuck!

I led everyone to the dining room. We ate in silence and when we were done, Leo took everyone to his home office telling me that they had a business meeting. I went to check on the kids and saw that they were sound asleep. My breasts were not full yet so I decided to give it some time.

I went to Leo's office to ask if they needed drinks when I heard shouting and screaming making me rush in to find Leo pulling Cruz off Jason who had a burst lip and blood coming out of his nose. Sofia looked like she was in shock. "What the hell is going on here?", I asked making them turn to me. "Just a misunderstanding baby. Go watch the kids", the way Leo talked to me didn't sit well with me. I folded my arms on my chest and raised a brow. He got a hint and cleared his throat while pulling away from Cruz. 

"We're just having a private conversation, nothing you need to trouble yourself with Angel", he said again. "Leo, if you wanted to have a private conversation you should have done it elsewhere. You're in my house, and if you think I can't be part of whatever's going on here then you better get out of my house. All of you and as for you... my dear husband, you will be allowed back here when you remember what I am to you", I said with furrowed brows and I saw him panting. He hated when I raised my voice at him but I had to make a point. "Did you just raise your voice at me?", he asked making me swallow hard.

"Guys, let's all take a breather ok? Angel, please let us handle this, okay?", Cruz asked making me move my eyes from Leo to him. I nodded then walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I went to the nursery and bumped some milk for tonight's feeling then slept on the love couch that was next to their beds.

I woke up in the middle of the night, only to find Leo feeding Audrey. Aaron was asleep. My breasts were full and my nipples hurt. I reached for the breast pump and started pumping quietly.

I knew his eyes were on me but I didn't dare look up. Audrey burped and he placed her in her bed. He walked to me and helped me take off the breast pump. He poured the milk into the bottles and put them in a fridge that was in the nursery as I cleaned myself. He came and kneeled in front of me as I was putting the breast pads on.

"Cruz found Jason's sex tape. He's cheating on Sofia...or cheated. We don't know if it was a one-time thing or not. We were confronting him when he started calling her names and that's how Cruz lost control. I didn't mean to dismiss you, it's just that, this isn't the first time someone cheated on Sofia. The last time something like this happened she tried to kill herself twice. I had to stay with her until we were sure she wouldn't do it again. The thing is Sofia doesn't know how to love someone halfway or test the waters before falling for someone completely. She always goes all in when it comes to relationships. Most of the things that Jason has is more of a privilege that Sofia made sure he got so, to find out that he cheated is devastating but we had to tell her the truth and we had to do it here so that we could control the outcome", he said then put his head on my lap. My hand automatically went to his hair. The whole thing shocked me to death and back.

"Why would he do that? I mean he loves her. Are you sure the video is authentic?", I asked. They looked perfectly in love with each other. "He loved her. Past tense", he clarified making me furrow my brows. "He admitted that he stopped loving her the day I kicked them out of our home. He's saying that Sofia will never commit. All she cares about is me. Getting my attention and approval is all that matters to her. I think he's just making excuses", he said making me recall how she almost broke us up... twice. "Is he though? Remember the family trip and the renovation drama?", I asked making him look up at me with guilt.

"I'm sorry I shouted at you even though you told me not to again. I just didn't like the way you dismissed me", I confessed making him pull me in a kiss. It was very distracting making me moan. I was floating on air until Aaron started crying. Like the amazing father he is, he pulled back from the kiss and went to pick him up. "Breast or bottle?", he asked while changing his diaper. "Breast", I replied.

He gave him to me and watched as Aaron latched with his eyes closed. "He's Victor's clone. He used to do the same thing with his leg when Mum breastfed him", Leo said making me laugh. "I swear baby. He did the exact same thing", he insisted.

He took a picture of him and posted it on the Specter WhatsApp group and his Mum replied instantly with just 'That's Victor 🤣🤣' making me laugh harder.

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