Our Babies

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I could hear noises in the background, I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I hissed when I tried to move and suddenly there was a hand on the back of my neck. I willed myself to open my eyes and this time around it worked. The first thing I saw was a set of blue eyes that captured me from the very first day I saw them, It made me smile, and he smiled back.

"Hi", I said with a scratchy voice that made me cough, the pain I felt made me furrow my brows as I tried to stop myself from crying. "Hi, am so sorry for the pain baby, Doctor Finn said it will take a while for the dissolvable stitches to stop hurting when you cough or laugh", he said with worry in his eyes. I lifted the hand that was not injected with a drip and pulled his face to mine. I kissed his amazing lips until I heard him moan then gave in to the darkness again.

"That's it, you're becoming a pro, good job premie dad!", someone cheered making me turn my head to the side that the voice was coming from. I saw Leo's hand in the incubator, he looked worried despite the cheering from the bubbly nurse. It made me smile. "Why do you look so terrified?", I asked making him turn slowly as if he was afraid of dropping what he was holding in the incubator.

"Hi baby, I did it, I touched her hand", he said the moment he came and sat next to me. "I can't believe we have twins. I told you I was too fat", I said making him smile. "Yes you did, you have no idea how happy I am right now. All this is because of you. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world", he said with a smile that made him look ten times younger. "Thank you for loving me Leo", i said with a smile. Tears ran down my cheeks and on the pillow that was under me making him stand and wipe them away. He kissed my forehead and then gave me a peck on the lips.

"Good morning Angel, how are you feeling this morning?", Doctor Finn asked when he walked into my ward. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit of pain in my abdomen", I said leaning into Leo who was helping me up. "That's good, the pain will subside in time, have you pooped?", he asked making me look at him in confusion. "Yes", I replied not understanding the question. "Good, so your digestive system works perfectly. I will tell the nurses to bring you food, something in liquid form, after that, we will monitor and I will tell you when you can change the meal plan. Is that ok?", he asked returning the board he was writing on back to the place it was hanging at the foot of my bed. 

"Now, I need you to walk to your babies. I think it's time they see mummy don't you?", he said with a smile. I was excited, last night I couldn't see them because the pain was unbearable after I went to relieve myself in the bathroom. Leo has been by my side ever since and I'm so happy about that. 

"I would love that", I said as Leo helped me up. Doctor Finn told him to let me be independent as I approached the incubators. I found them moving their tiny legs and hands all over the place. They looked so small that it made me start crying. I turned to Leo who had a knowing look. "They're so small", i said making him smile sadly. 

"They were born before full term Angel, but do not worry once they start eating they will grow so fast you won't believe it", Doctor Finn said making me smile. I saw the stickers on the side of the incubators with their names on them. "You remembered", I said as I ran my fingers through Aaron's name. "I would never forget baby. I love you", Leo said then pulled me in a hug. I felt at peace. "Well, you will continue the exercises twice a day. I suggest utilising the hallway and the stairs", Doctor Finn said before walking out of the ward.

I woke up when I heard a giggling sound and I found that there was a woman with big red glasses putting one of our kids on Leo's naked chest, he looked terrified while the lady looked excited as she took a light blanket and wrapped the two in it. I tried to laugh but ended up hissing from the pain in my stitches making them turn. "Oh hello there! you're just in time", she said to me with a huge smile. "In time for what?", I asked as I tried turning to her side. she rushed next to me and helped me up slowly. She had a warm feeling to her.

"My name is Doctor Collson, I am the twin's pediatrician. Today we are going to start the kangaroo sessions and feeding... come", she said pulling me out of the bed to the couch that was next to Leo's. "The session is usually at least an hour but I think we will do more as the nurses feed them. How is your pain? Can you sit for long?", she asked and I was not about to let Leo have all the fun. "It's bearable", I said excitedly, she noticed as her face lit up.

"Perfect, you will hold our princess, we will be switching up daily", she said looking at Leo making me laugh. Fuck why did I forget about the stitches? Doctor Collson brought Audrey to me, she was so pink and small, her legs and arms folded around herself as if feeling cold. She relaxed the moment Doctor Collson put her on my chest. It felt so good, it made me smile. "Oh! She knows mummy already? Clever girl", she said petting her tiny head as if she was sure Audrey heard her. "You can talk to them you know", she said with a huge smile while helping me remove the rest of my gown and then put the blanket around us. 

The nurses came after with milk injections and used the tubes connected to their noses to feed them. I watched as Aaron started moving making Leo call his Doctor in a hurry. The nurses calmed him down, telling him Aaron was just stretching and for him to talk to his son. It was an amazing view. It made me love him even more. I looked down on my chest and my princess was fast asleep making my smile wider.

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