Family Trip - Part 2

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It's officially 2 am and they are not back yet. Everyone else went to sleep. I wanted to wait for him but my eyes were getting heavy and I knew I couldn't wait any longer. "Angel? What are you still doing up my dear?", Valentina asked startling me. "I was waiting for Leo. Do you know when they are coming back?", I asked. "Oh, they went to a club. There is this old friend of ours who usually hosts parties at his place, music, and alcohol, you know... the fun stuff. They said they will go there. He didn't tell you?", she asked. "Oh yeah! I think he did. I must have forgotten", I lied and she saw right through me. "Oh, Angel. Lying is not your thing is it my dear?", she said pulling me to the sofa. "I guess not", I said then sniffed. I never thought I would cry in front of my boyfriend's mother but here I am.

"Oh, sweety. I know he hurt your feelings when he agreed to go on that hike earlier and I think you should tell him. My son is a genius when it comes to running a business but not when it comes to matters of the heart. You need to teach him how okay?", she said I gave her a nod. Not trusting my voice. She pulled me in a hug and then walked me to my cottage. I took a shower and then slept.

I woke up to a busy morning and no Leo or Sofia. I tried looking across the tables in the restaurant but they were nowhere to be found. "They went hiking. It's like their little tradition", Jason said standing so close to me that I had to move away before turning to look at him, I caught him checking me out. "Hey Banks. You good?", Cruz said making him nod. "Hi, Angel. Come have breakfast with me", he said and I accepted. 

I would rather sit with him than Jason. "So how do you know Jason?", he asked drinking his coffee. "We went to high school together", i said hoping that he didn't ask more questions. "Oh was he playing football the same as he is now?", he asked then sipped his coffee again. "He's playing football?", I asked feeling surprised. "Yeah. He is the Captain of our team. The Cross Giants", he explained. "Am not much of a football fan so I don't know", I said then went back to eating. I was looking for Bella and Tyler when I was told they went on the picnic reservation that Leo booked for us. At least it was useful to someone.

I went back to my room despite Valentina's effort to have me join her for a spa treatment. I watched movies that Leo and I planned to watch. I fell asleep with the remote in my hand.

I felt my body being shaken slowly and I smiled thinking that Leo was finally back only to find Bella waking me up. "Hey, sleeping beauty. Wake up, everyone is waiting for us at the beach", she said with excitement. The barn fire, I totally forgot. I woke up and then freshened up. I wore a maxi dress and put on some lipgloss. I decided to let my hair loose. They needed the ocean air too. "Am done, let's go", I said pulling Bella to the door. She stopped abruptly and asked some random guy to take a picture of us then we went to the beach.

"Hi, ladies. You look lovely", Tyler said resting his hands on each of our shoulders. "Why thank you Tyler", i said doing a bow making him chuckle. "Sorry babe, I always look this good", Bella told him. We laughed. When we reached the fire we found Sofia telling everyone about their hiking adventure and Leo chipping in. He had a spot saved for me and I knew that because he always saved a spot for me on his left but I chose to sit with Tyler and Bella.

"Hi Explorers", Bella said as we sat. I reached for the wine bottle instead of using a glass. "Now that is what I call a woman", Cruz said then clicked his beer bottle with my wine. I felt Leo's eyes on me but I ignored him. If he didn't see the reason to check on me, why would I give him my time? Sofia continued with her stories while I asked Valentina if she could request for me to go on a picnic with her and Ivan, it made her face light up with excitement. 

"Am going to call the guide right now. I'll be right back", she said then went aside. "Done we will leave at 9 am", she said a little too loud. "Where are you going Mum?", Leo asked and I didn't dare look in his direction. "Well if you must know. The three of us are going for a picnic tomorrow", she said while side hugging me and Ivan. "Oh... that's nice. Enjoy, we will be spending the day by the pool", Sofia said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I thought we were going picnic tomorrow, you and me. Why did you agree with Mum?", Leo asked when we got to the room. I ignored him and went to the bathroom. He followed me, "Angel? Why are you ignoring me? You knew I'd save a seat for you but you went to sit with Tyler and Bella and then schedule a picnic with my parents? What happened to spending time together?", I put my pajamas on then walked past him going to my side of the bed. He held my wrist pulling me back before I could get between the sheets. "Am talking to you. Stop ignoring me!", he shouted. I turned to him so that he could see my face. My tearly face. Tears that he caused.

"Fuck, baby! I didn't mean to shout at you. Am sorry", he said pulling me in a kiss but I was not going to bend to his will this time. I pushed him with all my strength. It didn't do much but it made him pull away. "Don't fucking touch me!", I raised my voice for the first time in our relationship making him stare at me in shock. I took a few deep breaths then proceeded to get between the sheets trying my best to calm myself down.

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