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I was busy wrapping up a training session with the hotel employees when I got a call from Bella asking me to meet her in my office ASAP. I dismissed the session and went to my office, she was pacing back and forth making me look at her with a raised brow.

"What's going on? Is Tyler ok?", I asked knowing that was the only human who worked her up this way. "No, I'm just wondering how I should say this because it might be nothing but to me it is something because I have a boyfriend and if he did something like this I wouldn't be happy", she kept rambling making me proceed to my desk and put my laptop and notebook on it. I turned to her and she was studying me. "Bella, you're rambling", I said with a hand on my waist making her get a hint. She gave me her phone and it was on Instagram. There was a photo of Leo and Felicia at the beach. It was a selfie that Leo took and they looked like a couple. I furrowed my brows but something told me that my Leo was not a cheater. I chose to trust him.

"I know how this looks but she's a decent woman. I've met her and I can tell you for a fact that she's not a home wrecker besides, Leo is the most faithful man I've ever met", I said with confidence making her shrug her shoulders. "Ok, I just wanted you to see it", she said looking relieved. "Hello, my favourite people. Why do you look all flushed out? Oh, that's Felicia, huh...", Victor said looking surprised while taking the phone from Bella looking like he wanted to see the phone properly. "Wait this was recent?", he looked terrified. "Yeah, like an hour ago. You've met her too?", Bella asked. "What are you talking about? That's Felicia... the one that he wanted to run away with", he told Bella like it was the most obvious thing and all I felt was shock. "Victor, we don't understand what you're talking about. She's his secretary. Is that what you mean?", Bella asked for clarification. She looked lost.

"No, Felicia was the woman he cheated on Alexa with when they were together. He wanted to run away with her but couldn't because the day he wanted to go MIA from all of us was the same day that Keith dumped Sofia. Remember that?", he explained to his sister completely forgetting that I was in the room. "Oh my god", Bella said and they both turned to me. "Angel, I'm sorry... look, there has to be an explanation to this I promise you. Leo is not a cheater", Bella tried to defend but I couldn't find a single bone in her body that was strong enough to master a reaction.

He was miles away with her. Enjoying the sunset and taking selfies. He was willing to cheat on Alexa with her and leave his family for her. He was a liar. I married a liar.

"Angel, I know what you're thinking and I had no idea he didn't tell you. Leo loves you and he's not that guy anymore", Victor said and all I did was pack my things and leave the office. I found Hank waiting for me as usual. "To Grannies?", he asked and I nodded. My phone started ringing, I couldn't answer because all I could do was think of Felicia.

Did Ivan know? Did all of them know? I felt like crying but I didn't want to do that in front of Ivan and Valentina. My phone kept ringing and ignored it. Hank's phone rang and he answered. "Yes, I'm with her... Ma'am, I have Madam Isabella on the phone and she's requesting to speak to you", he said holding his phone out to me. "I don't wish to talk to her or anyone right now. Please tell her that", I said turning to the window.

I took the kids from their grandparents and we returned home. They slept all the way. They looked cute. My amazing babies. When I reached the house I took a shower as the nannies helped me bathe them. I breastfed them and then went to bed. I fell asleep. I woke up at midnight as usual and even though there were no crying sounds from the nursery, I went to check on the babies. I did some pumping and then went back to bed because no one needed a diaper change or was feeling hungry.

I was woken up by Aaron crying. I rushed to the nursery and picked him up. He stopped crying the moment I hugged him making me smile. "You're a momma's boy aren't you my handsome prince?", I asked making him smile. I breastfed him and put him to bed. I turned to Audrey and she was just playing, I changed her diaper and breastfed her too then returned to bed.

I woke up feeling energetic. I got dressed in a dark grey stealth formal dress and it made me look good. I put on a dark pink lipstick and left for The Luxe. I arrived early and started putting my day together. When I was satisfied. I created a fake account on Instagram and followed Felicia. Yes, I remember her username from yesterday. She was an active poster but the trend had started recently to be exact, two days ago. When they left for the business trip. She had posted five more photos after the one Bella showed me. One they were having dinner with her hand holding his on the table and another was of Leo smiling at the bar with a 'yummy' emoji. I felt my blood boil when I saw one in which she was hugging him from behind. I didn't know what was worse. Him cheating on me or willingly taking pictures with her at such a distance. I downloaded all the photos and went back to updating the employee contracts in my laptop folder.

Bella walked in looking guilty making me smile. "Who killed your dog?", I joked but she was not in the mood. "Angel please talk to me", she pleaded. "What do you want to talk about Bella?", I asked playing dumb. "Come on. I know there's an explanation for all of this. He's in love with you. You guys are married for fuck sake", she pleaded. "And yet he took a selfie with a woman that he claimed was just his secretary", I said making her look down in shame.

Against All Odds!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن