A Bigger Person

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Leo told me to go to our room and get changed, I had no idea what that meant until I found Jay waiting for me by our bedroom entrance with a dress. "I can't believe this is how I found out that you guys were pregnant", he whined making me apologise. I rushed in and took a shower. He got me a very nice glittering dress that hugged my body perfectly. It made my skin glow and my bump visible. I finished up with brown lipstick and I looked the part.

Leo walked in, and when his eyes met mine, he moved his eyes all over my body and then smirked. "You're lucky we have guests waiting for us", he said rushing to the bathroom. He took a shower and got ready in record time. "Let's go", he said after kissing my temple. His hand rested on my ass as we walked to the garden. 

"Surprise!", I shouted making everyone turn to us. "Oh my god! You're pregnant? How did I miss this!", Bella said in shock making everyone join her thought process. "Am so happy for you sweetie", Valentina said while hugging me making me hug her back. Then Ivan and the rest of the family. I looked around and noticed Sofia and Jason didn't come. I wondered if Leo didn't invite them or if they just decided to not show up.

We took pictures and finally sat down and ate together. My eyes were on Leo the whole time. He looked happy but he kept on looking at the entrance and I knew he was hoping that Sofia would show up but that never happened.

"Hey baby daddy", I said kissing his forehead then sat next to him. "Hey, what are you doing here? You should be resting, come on let's go... your feet are swollen Angel", he scolded me pulling me up to follow him inside and away from the bench. He looked mad and I knew the anger was not intentional. We got to the bedroom and he placed me on the bed removing my shoes, he took the massage oil and started massaging my feet. The best way to end a day.

"Did you invite her?", I asked deciding to break the ice. He stopped for a brief second then went back to massaging my feet. "Baby I know that Sofia means a lot to you and her coming today would have meant that she was ready to look past everything and support you", I said and he still remained emotionless. "Leo I-", he interrupted me before I could say anything more. "Baby, Can we not talk about it? Please", he said looking pissed. "Of course. Am sorry, I was just trying to help", I said pulling my feet away. "I know. I just don't want to talk about it", he said standing up then the next thing I heard was his office door being slammed shut.

If it was any other day, I would have ignored it but not today. We're a team and I was going to be with him every step of the way. I tried to open his door but it was locked. "Baby please open the door", I said calmly but there was no movement from the inside. "Leo... please baby, I just want to hold you", I begged and still got nothing. 

There was only one way to fix this.

"What the hell are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?", Sofia shouted when Jason woke her up telling her that I was in her living room and refused to leave. I stood up and her eyes immediately went to my baby bump. She gasped and something told me she just realised what today was about. I sat back on the couch and looked at her. She sat next to me quietly.

"He waited for you. He kept looking at the entrance every few seconds but you didn't come", I said looking at her with sadness. "I-I-I didn't know. I would never", she couldn't finish the sentence. "I know that Sofia, but Leo doesn't. He invited you because he wanted to make amends with you. He wants you to be part of the baby's life. Look, you might hate me, and trust me I hate you too but we have to think of him and get along for him... I am ready if you are", I said then yawned. She looked at me then my belly. "It's the hormones", I said making her giggle. "What?", I asked. "Mum used to say that to Dad when she was pregnant with Bella", she said making me smile. "Well, she was right", I stood up and put my hand out to her. She looked at me with surprise. "Let's go Miss La Juventud. I need to sleep and you are the only one who can get my sleeping pillow to open the door and come to bed", I said making her look at me all confused but took my hand anyway. 

"Why are you doing this?", Sofia asked while looking outside the window as we drove back to my home. "Doing what?", I asked back pretending not to understand while I knew exactly what she meant. Leo is my everything and if this was going to bring happiness in his life then I was willing to do it no matter what.

"You hate me, Angel. I know that for a fact so what gives? Is Leo that special?", she asked and all I did was smile. She turned and saw my smile. "Does he know you're driving to people's houses in the middle of the night with your cute baby bump?", she asked and all I heard was cute. "You think we're cute?", I said rubbing one hand on my bump. It made her chuckle. "You are actually", she said then remained silent. "Well thank you for the compliment, me and the baby appreciate it... Leo is special to me Sofia, I would do anything for your brother because I love him that much. He is just amazing", I said while wiping a tear away. I knew she saw me doing it and I was ready to blame it on the hormones but she never said anything.

"Sofia, he just needs his sister back or bff or whatever you call yourselves. So, talk to him and apologise. No more negativity, ok?", I asked and she nodded releasing a breath. "If you need anything I will be in bed. Just one call away... or maybe a scream will do", I said making her smile nervously as she was heading to Leo's office.

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