Stressed Out Pt. 1

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When they said we were watching a movie, I didn't expect this. Upon Cole's instruction, Brandon bought me mac and cheese, a dark chocolate bar, watermelon sour patch kids, and my favorite popcorn. I know deep down they would always be willing to get me my favorite things, period or no period, but I had convinced myself they didn't care enough for so long it still surprised me. 

"Oh you guys didn't have to!" I smile, taking the warm bowl of mac and cheese from Brandon. 

"And risk another hour of you being locked up in your room? Never." Kyle smirks, stretched out comfortably next to Cole, Evan and Brandon. I'm thankful Justin and Nathan aren't here because it feels silly to involve the whole family for an inconvenience of mine. 

"C'mere Ella." Cole pats the empty spot next to him, "do you know what you want to watch?"

"Can we watch Lights Out?" I ask, intentionally picking a horror movie. They must be so sick of my incessant requests to watch a scary movie with them, but in my opinion horror is best seen as a family.

A chorus of groans follow before Evan teases, "you don't have to request horror to seem all tough, we all know you won't last even half the movie."

This time it's my turn to groan, "I'm fourteen, not six, I'll be fine. Please can we watch it?"

"I swear to god if you're knocking on my door tonight because you're having nightmares-" Cole begins.

"Cole I won't! I wouldn't come to you anyway." I retort.

"Hey, what did I say about asking for help?" He warns, raising his eyebrows. 

Oh right. I'm supposed to come and get them if I need help or I'll be in big trouble.

"You just said I can't come to you if I get nightmares!" I counter.

"I never said that! But if you do, just know you won't hear the end of it from us."

"You don't make any fucking sense." I huff, annoyed we can't just watch the movie.

"Shut up both of you! And Ella watch your mouth." Brandon warns as he turns the movie on, "It's PG13 anyway so she'll be fine."

Cole sighs from beside me, but I can't miss the soft smile on his lips as he wraps his arms around me, his thumb finding my hand to mindlessly trace circles on.

The movie itself isn't bad, because my brothers absolutely obliterate the main character with their criticism and how she's just asking to die, making me die of laughter. 

"Ella shut the fuck up I can't hear the movie." Evan grins, jabbing me in the stomach. I wince, my stomach twisting at his touch, reminding me of my stupid cramps. Luckily they've calmed down quite a bit after the medicine, but the overall sick feeling of being on my period was still very much there.

Evan didn't pick up on my body language in the dark, thankfully, before I realize Cole definitely did. I feel the warmth of his hand as he rests it on my side, "does it still hurt? Are you okay?" He whispers. I really appreciate him not making a scene. 

I nod my head, "just a little sensitive still I guess, I'm fine."

He analyzes me for a few seconds as if to check if I'm lying before returning his attention to the movie, his hand moving to tickle my arm softly. 

I jump a few times throughout the movie, but I never once feel scared. Something about these small actions my brothers take to help me feel better impact me more than I would ever let them know. Being the youngest, and often dismissed as immature or dramatic, knowing they actually want to spend time with me makes my heart swell with happiness. 

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