So Close

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After what took place in the car, I quickly rush into the house, frustrated. Angry by how quick the tables turned on me, my life flipping upside down, I storm through the house. 

Fully aware of my heated attitude, I make a beeline to the stairs hoping to get to my room without being stopped. But of course, luck is never on my side.

"Ella." A voice commands my attention from behind me, Justin. 

Freezing, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning around to face my older brother, "What." I snap.

I wince in my head at the harshness of my voice, I just really need to let my anger out somewhere and Justin is not the person for that. 

His eyebrows lift in surprise as he takes a step toward me. "Drop the attitude, I just wanted to know how your first day was." 

I sigh exasperatedly, "it was good." There's no way I'm opening up to him about my shit day. 

"Is that a lie?" He pushes.

I nod hesitantly.

"Because Evan came home pissed earlier today. Said something about you going out of your way to bend the rules."

My breath hitches in my throat. I completely forgot about Evan. That little shit.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Is the only rebuttal I can think of in my defense and I die inside at my inability to lie. Before Justin can respond, two hands grip my shoulders from behind. I flinch immediately, already on edge. I really need to get to my room before I break.

"Relax baby sis, jesus, it's like you're scared of everything!" Evan sneers behind me knowing full well I know what he's about to do. He's enjoying this. I can't let him snitch on me. At least not now, not with me in the room. And especially not in front of Justin. 

Just then, we hear Brandon and Kyle step into the house from the garage, as the door behind them slams shut.

 Evan and Justin both turn to the sound as I take this opportunity to escape. Swiftly, I jerk my shoulders out of Evan's grasp, and bolt towards the stairs. Suddenly all the attention is back on me as I hear Justin shout my name. In my peripheral, I see Kyle and Brandon remain by the door, not bothered enough to figure out what's going on.

I don't need to look back to know Evan is after me, but I also caught him off guard. And the adrenaline from knowing I might have a chance keeps me going. For once in my life, I might outrun him. 

My bedroom to my luck is at the very end of the hallway, but I can get there in time. Grabbing my doorknob as soon as it's in reach, I slam the door closed behind me. I rapidly turn around and lock the door, fear coursing through my veins. Even if I managed to shut the door behind me, Evan could easily open it no matter how hard I tried to push it close.

Hands on the door, I sigh. Evan reaches my door a second after, but to my surprise I hear him retreat back down the hallway. I don't fail to hear the stream of curse words that leave him mouth as he does. 

Sitting on my bed, I pull out my phone. Why did they have to make things so complicated? I talked to ONE boy, yet they have to embarrass and torment me about it. They love going out of their way to make a scene and ensure every mistake turns into a public shit show with my face as the joke. 

Opening Instagram, my heart stops for the third time today. Camden texted me!  

Camden: Hey sorry about today. I didn't know your brothers would react that way

Honestly I'm not surprised. My brothers have found out about all the guys who have spoken to me,  and made it clear to never do it again.  My theory is because they're friends with everyone, so there's basically eyes on me everywhere I go. 

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