Calm Before the Storm

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"Hey! Give that back!" I yell, as I sprint up after him. He was down in the kitchen this whole time just waiting for me to finish! I hear Kyle following behind me wearily, probably as sick of the drama as I was.

Evan had already made it up the stairs and I found him seated by Brandon and Nathan eating my food as if I hadn't just spent all that time making it for myself.

"You're so annoying, give it back!" I yell again lunging at him in an attempt to grab the plate back. He smirks at my unsuccessful attempt and holds the plate out of my reach, "too bad you're too short."

Nathan just watches us like the unhelpful oaf he is but Brandon quickly uses this opportunity to steal the plate out of Evan's hands and hand it to me.

"Knock it off, go get your own food" he reprimands slapping the back of Evan's head. Evan just rolls his eyes, mumbling "dramatic" under his breath while I gratefully accept the plate and leave the room. I pass Kyle on the way but avoid eye contact as I return back downstairs to the kitchen table. Finally some peace and quiet.

Once I'm done eating I glance at the clock, 5:23pm. Time passed quickly today. I hear someone coming downstairs and make eye contact with Justin, followed by Brandon. 

"Our movie's over, we can spend time now" Brandon says sweetly

"I thought today was supposed to be our day" I reply sarcastically placing my plate into the sink and rinsing it off.

"It would have, but you fell asleep in the car" he retorts ruffling my hair before adding, "but it doesn't look like that nap helped because I guess you're still mad."

"Stop being a brat Ell, there's 7 of us and it was one movie before he leaves" Justin adds while opening and searching the fridge for dinner.

Realizing I was being snappy I take a breath before replying, "ya sorry I guess the day passed quicker than I thought."

"That's completely normal, your second favorite brother is leaving tomorrow!" Kyle defends as he suddenly appears around the hallway.

"Second favorite?! You wish! Ella literally told me today-" Brandon starts, "we can talk about this later!" I quickly interrupt trying to avoid getting into a useless argument about who my favorite brother is because it literally changes all the time.

"Well I know it's not me for sure" Evan says strolling into the kitchen, "I stopped caring years ago." 

I catch Kyle's annoyed stare across the kitchen island and I reply by cocking my head to the side with raised eyebrows, "what?"

"I thought I was the favorite brother" he pouts

"While you two are too busy sucking up to our baby sis, I'm trying to figure out what we should eat tonight" Justin suddenly interrupts and when no one replies immediately he adds, "so what should we eat?!"

I laugh at his childishness, "I already ate, you guys can decide" while exiting the kitchen

I hear Evan mumble something about pizza but I'm already halfway up the stairs to make out what he said. As I'm walking to my room I pass Evan's room and see his phone rapidly lighting up from all the notifications he must be receiving. 

Looking around, I see that no one is near and quietly enter his room making a beeline to his phone. I squint as his lights are off but clearly make out a series of texts about some party a junior's throwing in one of his group-chats. Rolling my eyes I turn around and leave, not wanting to see what they are talking about. Plus if he ever found out I was even in his room, let alone looking through his phone, he would quite possibly throw me down the stairs after beating me up. Anger issues? Yes, I agree. It makes me wonder what he's inevitably hiding, but I quickly push away the ideas that come to mind, shuddering. How am I even related to him?

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