Stressed Out Pt. 2

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I'm sitting in BC Calc, wishing more than anything to be home, my leg shaking beneath the desk. That fucking test. Focusing feels impossible, and my breathing is still shallow. I know that I'll have to explain to my brothers why I was 'skipping class' earlier when they caught me outside, and the thought of getting yelled at makes me shiver in my seat. I hate it when they get mad. Absolutely fucking hate it. I can't deal with their disappointment  today. 

"Whoa, Ella are you okay?" I hear a classmate of mine ask. I turn to Lucas, a tall blonde gazing down at me. How long has he been standing there?

I swallow, "yeah, I'm fine." 

He raises an eyebrow in suspicion at the stiffness in my voice, "are you sure?" 

I just nod my head, not trusting my voice. He reaches down to sweep a strand of hair that's fallen loose from my braid aside, "I think I can help you with this...tension." He gestures at my bouncing leg, "wanna skip class?"

What the hell? As much as I'd love to leave, his obvious intentions anger me. Does he think I'm interested in him? That I'll give him what he wants that easily?  

Clearing my throat, I sit up straight in my seat, "I'm good, thank you."

"Oh really? I mean, you look pretty stressed. I just wanna make sure you're alright..."

What is his fucking problem? 

Taking a breath, I turn to look at him, but before I can reject him again my teacher sets a slip of paper down on my desk. 

Lucas snatches it before I can read it, "Uh oh, El. You're being called to the principal's office?"

I take the slip from his hands, panic sweeping over my features, "What?"

By my name, the phrase "as soon as possible" is circled on a meeting slip with the principal. Fuck fuck fuck. 

"What's this about?" The idiot beside me continues to urge. I disregard him, his questions reminding me of my brothers and how royally fucked I will be when I get home. This can't be good.

I glance up at my teacher, her expression worried, "You're a great student Ella, it should be fine. You can go now if you'd like."

I nod, reaching for my unopened backpack, when Lucas bothers me again, "do you want me to go with you?"

Thankfully, my teacher saves me, "Lucas, she can go by herself. Why don't you do yourself a favor and at least pretend to be doing last night's homework."

He roles his eyes before grabbing my wrist as I'm turning to leave. This is the second time he's touched me. Dread and disgust fill my stomach, "I'll see you later then, yeah?"

"Don't. Touch me." I jerk out of his grip, not missing the pissed off expression that flits over his face, before heading out of the room. My anxiety from before swells in my chest, traveling up to my throat. The last time someone had grabbed me like that was Nathan. 

By the time I reach the main office, my hands are sweating. I tried to convince myself on the way here that this was for the same reason as last time when the principal, who is now retired, had encouraged me to take courses at a junior and senior year level. Growing up with smart brothers made way for the constant pressure to do well, especially when they made sure I was ahead in classes. But my gut feeling was telling me I wasn't about to receive news like that. 

The secretary at the front desk caught my gaze, "Oh Ella you're here! He's waiting for you in his office." She tilts her head to the side to direct me to his door, her brunette curls waving as she does so.

"Thank you." I mumble, before heading to the door and knocking on it twice.

"Come in Halt." A gruff voice invites me in from the other side. 

You Want Brothers? Take. That. Back.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ