Our Day

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Wow. I really really didn't see this coming. 

Refusing to take my head out of Brandon's chest I continue to sob uncontrollably for what feels like a slow few minutes. He by far treats me the best and the thought of him gone makes me sick to my stomach. I can feel him tense under me when I rack out another round of sobs. At this point I don't even care how embarrassed I might be after, I was too focused on the idea that he is leaving for what felt like a long time. 


He sighs, "Tuesday morning, my flight leaves at 6:30"

I pull my body out of his tight embrace and stare at him wide eyed, "that's the day after tomorrow!"

"Okay Ella I promise you it won't be that bad, just-"

"Why would you m-make the decision without asking me?" I whimper fully aware I interrupted him

"Ella I  didn't think you would care this much!" he defended, rubbing my back and placing a kiss on my head.  "But hey, I just need you to calm down so I can explain what's going to happen"

I nod into his chest and slowly lift my head to gaze up at him through teary eyes. His eyes soften at my condition, "It will only be for three to four months and I'm sure I can visit a few times as well"

"W-why are you leaving? How can you go?"

"I know it's fast but I have some good friends out in L.A, we'll be living together for the time being. Trust me when I tell you Ellie there is so much opportunity out there for me. If it works out, we will figure out a plan, but if it doesn't I will come right back home."

Seeing his excitement made me feel bad for the way I reacted. I know how passionate he is about music, let alone music therapy. His dream has always been to help people through his passion and use stimulation through music to help a person grow from experiences that revolve around trauma, anxiety, and disability.

Sniffling I nod my head in agreement, "well I'll still have five more older brothers left so maybe I won't even notice"

He laughs and my heart melts at his smile, if he was excited then I would be excited for him.

"I know I won't be here to physically save you from them, but call me when you're in trouble okay?"

I nod my head once more and rest my head back on his chest as a yawn escapes my mouth, "I'm going to miss you Brandon."

"I'll miss you too sweetheart." he said after placing a kiss on my forehead, "now i need you to go to sleep now for real before Justin has my head"

I sigh and release him, finally laying down, "I love you."

"I love you too." he replies with a smile before closing my door shut.


The next morning I wake to a strange silence. No obnoxious brothers rudely waking me up? I glance at the clock, 9:13. I suddenly feel an overwhelming panic as I realize I am late for school. Why didn't anyone wake me?!!

Jumping out of bed I rush downstairs to get my phone. I'm not allowed to have  me to have my phone in my room at night so I plug it in at the kitchen counter at night. When I enter the kitchen however, I see Brandon's at the table on his phone.

My panicked state catches his attention and he laughs at my bed-head, "relax, I let you sleep in."

"But I have school!" 

"I know." was all he answered. I stared at him wide eyed still dazed as I haven't fully waken up yet, "we're going to spend the day together silly, before I go"

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