Camden & the Cove

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My phone dings with Camden's "here :)", just as I'm spritzing on my favorite vanilla perfume. My heart flutters in anticipation, but I ignore the warm swell in my stomach and bound down the stairs.  

"Whoaa someone's excited to see her boyfriend." Cole comments, his eyes immediately spotting my smile.

I do my best to keep from grinning, "He's not my boyfriend Cole."

"He better not be." Justin remarks, shooting me a stern look.

I throw him a look of annoyance before opening the front door, revealing Camden who's walking up. 

"Oh! Hi!" I chirp. Of course he would be polite enough to come up to the front door. 

"Hey Ella." He smiles, his eyes lingering over my face for a few warm moments, before he turns his attention to the swarm of brothers behind me. "Is it okay if I kidnap her for a few hours?"

I cringe at his choice of words, as Justin deadpans, "You two may study at the Cove, and I expect her to be home by nine."

Camden swallows, "yes sir." 

"Great that's settled. Let's go!" I rush, not bothering to turn and wave goodbye.

"Ella stop right there." I hear Nathan call. Fucking shit.

I turn around, now behind Camden, "what."

"No funny business. Your grade will be a reflection of the way you choose to spend this time. Remember what we talked about, there will be consequences if you can't get it up."

My cheeks burn in embarrassment, he just had to do that. I muster up any last sense of dignity I have left, "I'm aware Nathan."  

"Good." He praises, "see you in a few hours."

Camden nods, before shutting the front door behind us and turning to me. If he is overwhelmed, or picked up on my embarrassment he doesn't show it. "Shall we?"

"Let's get out of here." I nod.

The drive to the Cove is wonderful. The brunette boy that I've been obsessing over rolled down the windows so the car smells like pine and a cool breeze touches our skin. His playlist fills the car, his speakers pulsing to the beat. Pure bliss. 

We end up sitting at a set of table and chairs on a deck overlooking the beach. "So what would you like to start with?" Camden asks.


"Umm, thermodynamics is kinda kicking my ass right now." I begin, as he pulls out his laptop and class notebook.

"Oh you'll pick it up fast, don't worry about it. We'll be done in no time." He reassures, sensing my apprehension. 

When I just nod glumly he adds, "Maybe if we finish before nine, we can play in the ocean? I have towels in my car."

My face lights up, "Yes I would love that!"

Camden is brilliant. Some thorough explaining and six practice problems later, I'm convinced physics won't be so bad after all. He offers to tutor me more consistently, under the condition that we spend more quality time together and I almost faint. In what world would I say no to that?

As I'm packing up my school things, I hear him mumble slyly, "I bet I can beat you to the waves."

I smile to myself as I zip my backpack up, "oh really?"

Camden's fast. Both on the ice, and on the field. He could easily outrun my anyday just like my brothers, but the competitive side in my gets riled easy. And years of coming to the Cove has taught me how to move fast on sand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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