Hellos and Goodbyes

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I jumped out of the way before it hit me "Dr what are you doing," my grandfather yelled
"Don't you see she got bit, she's going to turn into one of them, I've seen it happen before," he said cocking the gun again
"wait" I said he looked at me
"wait! wait for what, for you turn" he yelled pointing the gun at me again
"no," I said holding my arm out for him to see he lowered his gun and took a look at my arm
"I was bitten before and I didn't turn" I said
"remarkable" he replied. I took the bandana off my hand and looked at the already healing wound
"do you have an idea why the bites aren't affecting her" my mom asked as we settle down after the little mishap
"I have a theory that she might be immune to the bites but I'm not too sure, if only I could test your blood at my lab" he said "sorry to interrupt but who are you" I asked
"huh oh yeah you were sleeping and left before you can meet him"my mother said "please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Dr. Robert Sabas, I was a scientist who was trying to find a cure with my colleagues before this got out of hand" he said, Dr. Sabes was a man in his late twenties with short dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes .
"can you tell us about those things" my uncle asked
"there are two types there are regular infected and then there is a special infected which are somewhat rare" he replied
"special infected?" my mom said
"yes they are more intelligent, there's a total of eight Special Infected which we classified by the different characteristic"he said
"and what would they be" I asked
"well" he began "first would be the spitter, usually females, her mouth is missing half and she spits this neon green acid. Then there's a smoker he has growths along his throat and has two to three tongues usually you know they are there because of their cough" he said
" I remember hearing something like that in the alley"
"then there's the Boomer usually fat and when he pukes usually does it to attract other infected then there's a jockey like the name they will jump on the back of something and ride them, they have like a laugh too them. next is a charger like the name says, they will charge you with their one big arm and they proceeded to pound you into the ground"he took a breath "the next two are rare to see the first one is the tank they walk on their hands,his upper body is quite large. the other is the witch she has long claws and she's usually crying she won't attack unless you disturb her" he finished
"what about the 8th one" I asked, he rubs the bridge of his nose.
"The last is probably the most dangerous of them all it's known as the hunter he has claws much like the witch just shorter, instincts much like an animal" he said. It was all quiet as no one dare to speak,
"as I was walking up i saw a few cars down the road you might be able to find the part you're looking for" I told my uncle. He nodded and him and Dr. Sabes went out to get the parts. The next morning it was decided that we would leave late that afternoon. While my uncle and cousin worked on the car, Dr Sabes and I would head into town and got us some supplies. "are you ready" he asked, I pulled my backpack on
"what's that" he asked aand pointed to the case,
"huh oh I don't know I found it yesterday" I replied. I grabbed it and opened it, my mouth opened in surprise at what was inside the case. Inside were two pistols with two spare magazines,
"those are C.E.D.A. guns" the doctor said "how do you know" I asked
"These hold 15 rounds in each magazine" he said "you should hold on to them." I nodded and put them in my pockets then we headed to town.
Where hit the gas station as we're just got done at the market and clothing store. I have found some clothes that were better suited than my ripped jeans button up top and bandana in my hair. we piled everything into a car we found, now onto the gun store.
I shut the door of the car we had load up on guns,food,gas and water. I looked over at the doctor, he was staring at the hospital "dr sabes" I asked he snapped out of it and looked at me
"yes what is it" he asked,
"where was you lab at" I asked, he looked back at the hospital.
"in the basement of the hospital we set it up so we can work there day and night" he said, "I also left out some parts back at the safe house," he said.
"like what" I asked,
"we weren't just trying to find a cure... we were also trying to find a way to maybe turn some of the human tissue back on,"he said, "we could tell it did, the 16 of us were amazed that they could understand. They are more intelligent, knew when to attack and when not to he said smiling slightly."
"By 16 you mean that two of you were working with one of the infected," he nodded.
"so which one were you working on" I asked, his smile faded and his eyes were sad.
"my wife Marie and I were working with the hunter. But that day something terrible happened." He said
××××It was just another day working on the cure, I had just finished looking at a blood sample we had gotten from the jockey when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Marie she smiled at me
"it's time to feed hunter" she said and I nodded, as we walked to the room where all our infectants were kept. We were able to keep the sickness contained to only a few people and not the entire world. As we neared the room alarms began to go off and the soldiers were telling everyone to run. Infected were running wild in the hospital and that we need to evacuate as everyone was rushing to get out and stay alive, I lost sight of Marie. I saw her rush to the room saying she had to make sure they survive and that she would see me outside.××××
"After a while, all the scientists scattered and I couldn't find Marie. So I'm hoping that she got out okay" he finish sadly. I looked towards the sky, it was still early before we had to head back.
"Dr let's go to the hospital" I said
"what, why Aly" he asked,
"you said they set up the area for you and they told you to leave so maybe they left something on where they were going and we can head there and we'll be safe" I said he hesitated but agreed. We hid the car behind the market and headed inside the hospital, as we took the back door down a flight of stairs, the door shut and locked.
"on a timer we'll have to find a different way out later," he said and kept walking. So far the few infected we did see, the doctor took out and I haven't had to fire mine. Finally we arrived to the door he looked at me and I nodded pulling my guns out, he open the door. The smell was horrible, all throughout the room were both bodies and infected all dead. I just walked in the room, the cages were of which were empty. Dr Sabes walked up to one in the very back, on top of the cage with the ID labeld Hunter. As I walked over to the doctor something moved over in the corner startling me, the doctor moved to see but the hood figure jumped out the door.
"Hunter?" the doctor said, there was something else in the corner so he stood and went over there and shined a flashlight on to the thing. His face showed horror and sadness as soon as he fell to his knees.
"doctor" I saw, kneeling by him. I looked at the thing, my eyes widened, there was a woman with wavy blonde hair, in her hand was a gun. Along her arm was a number of bites and the bullet in her head. On her lab coat was her name tag, which said Dr. Marie Sabes.
"she didn't make it" the doctor cried. I walked over to the table and took a look at map saying that Louisiana was probably the best place to head to. Also on the table was a box with what looked like pipe bombs. I put the map and a few of the bombs in my bag. Something caught my eye in the box, I picked it up and brought it over to the doctor.
"don't you know what this is," I asked, he took it from me and looked at it.
"boomer vile you pull this red tab and-" he was cut off after the tab gave way and explode on him and alittle on me. We heard them before we could see them, a whole horde was headed our way.
"doctor we need to leave now"I yelled but he just stood there looking at his dead wife. He reached into his pocket and pulled the car keys out and threw them at me.
"go" he said, I just looked at him
"what! no I can't just leave you here" I argued
"damnit Aly go! I wasn't there for Marie and I couldn't protect her so please let me make it up by protecting you"he said close to tears. I looked at him and nodded slowly, I pulled the bandana out of my hair and place it in his hand. He looked at me and I smiled
"for luck," I said, he nodded and smiled back. As we were saying goodbye the first few infected came in the room but he blew their heads off
"now before I any more get through, follow this hallway to the stairs and then find the way out from there," he took a pause "it was nice meeting you Aly" he said
"You too doctor" I replied as I fled out of the room.
So here's where we left off, running down the hallway looking for the way out. The few infected that follow me were on my tail so I stopped and turned to face them, pulling my guns out. 'well never fire one of these before so better late than never' I said to myself. I fired one, it went down then another and then two more till it was just me but I could hear them still coming my way. I started my way to the stairs again till a sound made me stop.
( minutes before the sound)
Robert had just hit the floor next to his dead wife, the remaining infected that he hadn't shot were heades in Alys direction. He started to slip away as he closed his eyes, when he heard something come into the room. 'must be here to finish me' he thought opening his eyes, but to his surprise it wasn't what he thought it was. Having a slight smile on his face he spoke,
"I knew that was you hunter, so you stuck around" the doctor asked. weakly the hunter nodded,
"good boy" the doctor held his heart, his time was coming closer. Hunter walked up to him,
"hunter you saw that girl i was with right" he asked,reaching for the bandana. "I have this task for you, that girl is special and I can't protect her anymore more so I need you to do it for me hunter" he held the bandana out to him and he took it and nodded. He sniffed the bandana and then headed off towards Aly. The doctor knew it was his time, he looked at Marie and replace the gun with his hand. He released the safety on the gun,
"Marie I'll be with you soon" he said place the barrel to his head.
( hunters pov)
The doctor handed me this cloth and told me to go with this girl,but why? I sniff the cloth again it smelt like strawberries and vanilla but also,freedom. For the whole place to go to hell she sure did smell nice. I followed the scent to the roof and sure enough there she was, fighting for her life. The way she moved when she shot and how her hair moved with her made my undead cheeks heat up. I saw one come up behind her and before I knew it I wanted to protect her,so I pounced.
(Now back to alys)
I ran through the hospital and up flights of stairs. We I heard the gunshot, it wasn't his shotgun but a handgun. Finally i ran through a door and looked around. I was on the roof, sure it was a small hospital but its not like I can just jump building to building.+ hint hint+ So here I was stuck on the building with infected coming right for me. they started coming through the doors, I fired my gun over and over again. after a little while the number died down and I know something watching me. I focused on the other infected first then I heard a low growl and then I was on the ground.I open my eyes and was surprised, it was the thing from before the thing doctor sabes was studying, the hunter. he was clawing the rest of the infected.it's just him and I left, he looked at me and just stood there. I got a good look at him, he had on combat looking boots dark greenish cargo jeans and navy blue how to do with the head pulled up and duct tape on his arms and likes his skin was kind of green grey. I could tell he had black hair, he looks to be about 19, he walked over to me and sat down in front of me. he took a lock of my hair and I tensed up as he smelt my hair. I blushed, he stopped in front of me and I guess looked in my eyes
"Al~ya" he said,
"huh" I ask,
"Al~y" he said, my eyes widened he knew my name. he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, I walked over to the ledge and saw the car.
"could you maybe help me get to that car over there" I asked him he nodded and crouched down
"you want me to get on your back" I asked he nodded again. so I did what I was told and got on,
"okay so how are we gonna woah!" I yelled as we jumped from building to building and landed swiftly right next to the car. I got off of him and pulled the keys out of my pocket and through my stuff inside. I turn around smiled at him,
"thank you for saving me" I said give him a slight hug "be safe" I said and then got in and drove off.
I finally right back at the safe house my mother was the first one out the door followed by my uncle and aunt. I got out of the car but she stopped in her tracks and her face showed horror.
"Aly! watch out there's something behind you"my mother yelled and I turned around and sighed in relief there a little ways behind me the hunter,
"You followed me,"I asked and he nodded and i turned back to my family
"don't worry he might be one of those things but he's friendly"I said
"Where's doctor Sabes" my uncle asked my smile faded and I look down.
"He didn't make it"I said sadly. I explain to them what all happened and what all the doctor had told me.
My uncle in the just finished packing the van since I was only one with hand guns I put all that in my bag along with some food and water. I walked out of the safe house I traded my jeans and top for a pair of black shorts and white hoodie a pair of fingerless gloves and black knee high socks with my short grey shoes taking my hair out of my face I put it in a black beanie I had found. "so what are you going to do with him" my cousin asked pointing at Hunter.
"I guess he's going to stick with us" I said shrugging my shoulders,
"well then we can't just keep calling him it and what not so what's his name" my grandmother said. He came over to me and I kind of rubbed his head"hunter" I said he looked at me, "thats his name" I said
"alright everybody let's head out" we all got into the van.
" to Louisiana" we all said
We took the back roads to stay in the clear,my uncle stopped,
"this is where the fun begins" my uncle said. we got out and there are some hillbilly man-made bridge so one by one we went across the bridge. Uncle drove the van and my aunt and cousins went next then my grandparents, mom and sisters then it was my turn. I stopped on the bridge I looked at hunter , he was still crouch in the ground
"come on it safe" I began but then it began to shake and then fell with me on it. I grabbed the ground as the bridge fell into the river
"hunter" I yelled but he was already right there pulling me up.
"Aly!" my mother yelled across the way I looked around,
"I'm going to find a different way around will meet in Louisiana at the barbon hotel" I yelled but my mom looked worried,
"don't worry mom I won't be alone I have hunter here to keep me safe I'll see you soon" I said
"ok" my mom yell back "hunter you protect her you hear," he nodded "I love u mom" I yelled, "I love you too,"
Its been an hour or so since we began this journey the sky has clouded over and it was about to pour down rain,
"so" I began "you can understand me" he nodded
"can I ask you something, why did you save me back there" I asked
"DR" he somewhat replied
"Oh but how and why did you"i ask
"you're different"he replied he reached into his hood pocket and pulled out my bandana. I looked at it with wide eyes he held it out to me and I took it.
"I want you to have it hunter," I said grabbing his hood to help put it on, his hands grab my wrist
"Hunter?" I asked,he had his head down
"no too horrible" he cried out "Hunter I've never judged any one on how they look and I'm not about to start" I told him he still hesitated.
"hunter" I said, finally after staying like that for a while his grip loosened and pulled the hood down, his hair was indeed black and so were his eyes now without the hood he still looked about 18 or 19,his mouth was full of razor sharp teeth, even for being dead he still looked really cute. I felt my face heat up as my heart rate quickened. Drops of rain started to fall as we looked for shelter from the rain. a few minutes later we came upon the house,windows were boarded up but it was in good shape,
"we can stay here tonight" I said running up to the front door and knocked. I heard shuffling behind the door and knocked again.
"hey I know there's someone there please we just want to get out of the rain"I yelled "go away" a rough voice yelled I turned to hunter, he motions to the back and I nodded and we went around to the back. I opened the door but was met with a barrel of a gun, I fell back onto the porch
"don't move" the gruff voice spoke again, I opened my eyes to see an old army guy and then a biker pointing his gun at me.
"Francis don't you think this is going a little far I mean she looks like she's no older than zoey" the army guy said,I nodded my head and he begin to lower the barrel. A black man in a shirt and tie came out to see what was going on, he looked over and pulled his own gun,
"HUNTER!!" he yelled as all three pointed their guns at hunter who was still just sitting there where I left him. I ran over to him and held myself in front of him like a shield
"get away from that thing, it's dangerous" the black guy yelled
"No, he's different, he won't hurt any of you please he's all I have" I pleaded.
"what's going on out here" came a girls voice. the girl was in her early twenties she wore a pink jacket and her hair was darker brown than mine, she stepped out of the house the rain got heavier and we were soaked.
"If that thing is dangerous then how come it isn't attacking her" she pointed out. they all lower the guns
"now let the inside before they catch their death"she lead us inside and the other three followed.
"You can hang you jackets over there to dry,"she said and pointed. I pulled my hoodie off and hung it up, hunter was having trouble with the zipper. I helped him while giggling, then hung it next to mine.
"so what's your relationship to him" the black guy asked we looked at them.
"Lewis that's rude she barely knows us, anyway my name is zoey, the guy in the tie is lewis, then there's bill and Francis and who are you" she said
"my name is Aly and this is hunter" I replied
"so what's your story"she asked, I told them everything from the beginning up till now "you've been through a lot" Lewis said, I nodded my head. after talking some more and eating a few snacks we all settled down. Francis and Bill set outside,lewis was snoring in a chair, zoey was sleeping peacefully on the couch, as hunter and I leaned against the wall
"do you think you can trust them" I whispered I felt him shrug his shoulders. I sighed laid my head again his shoulder and close my eyes. i felt my face heat up when he leaned his head on mine. I didn't know what this feeling was inside of me but I shook it off and relaxed into sleep.

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