Sleeping with the enemy

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The boat docked and we got off,
" beyond that sugar mill should be the gas station," Virgial said, " Signal us when you get the gas."
Nick, Ellis, Zoey, Hunter and I were going to get the gas, while the others looked for supplies. We began to walk towards the sugar mill,
" what are we supposed to signal them with," nick asked.
" Oh there are flares in the gun bag," Ellis said,
" what gun bag,"zoey asked,
"Don't tell me we remembered our personal guns but not the gun bag," Ellis yelled.
"Guys calmed down I have a few in my bag or we'll figure something out," I said as Hunter and I took the lead. As we continued through town and towards the sugar mill, no infected came out.
" this is strange," I said out loud, they nodded in agreement.
" let's go through here," Nick suggested as he opened the door of an abandoned house. Through the house and going through a few neighborhoods we came to a factory on the other side was the sugar mill. We walked through the sugar fields around to a gas station. We went inside the safe room and inside was gallons of diesel which we could carry on our backs. After restocking on ammo we walk back through the fields, we made our way back to the dock until it began to pour and we couldn't find our way from the way we came. We came to another warehouse and went through beginning to walk the halls. As we walked through the door I began to hear a faint song play,
"Do you guys hear that," I asked.
" nope now grab Hunter and get inside," Nick said, I looked at Hunter he was staring down the street in a daze.
" Hunter?"I said tugging on his sleeve, he snapped out of it and we walked inside.
We walked the building as the rain poured on outside, we then heard someone crying.
"Do you hear that," Nick asked,
"Maybe its someone in trouble," Zoey said as we ran towards the crying. As we reached a storage hold,
"It's getting louder," Ellis said as we shined our flashlights everywhere. The rain began to pick up more as we heard loud thunder. Lightning flashed causing me to squeak, I've always hated lightning. I dropped my flashlight and it rolled to a stop, the crying stopped and something was breathing deeply. I reach down but that was when the lights switched on, it surprised me as I fell back.
"Aly," Hunter said as he came to my side,
"Don't move," I said to everyone. There ,not even 10 feet away from us, was a witch she looked at us as she's got up, she then screamed.
"Shoot her," I yelled as we aimed our guns and Hunter got ready to defend us.
"Don't hurt her!" Someone yelled, the next second things walked out of the shadows.
"Oh shit," Ellis said, we were surrounded by all the special infected. Hunter got infront of me as I stood behind him.
" who are you people," a man after he stood by the smoker, more people came out instead by the infected. By the smoker and spitter was a couple, the man was Asian and the woman was white with short brown hair, by the jocky was a dwarf woman, the boomer was next to an old man, the charger stood by a young black man, a little girl was on the tanks shoulders and a little boy was hugging the witch.
"What" "the" "hell" we all said,
"I'll ask again, who are you," the Asian man asked pointing his gun. Hunter growled and he stood more in front of me.
"Chill man we just came for the gas," Nick said. Hunter continued to growl until I grabbed his hand and he held it tightly as he calmed down. The smoker stepped forward,
"Hey Hunter its been awhile," it said. We looked at it,
"It can talk,"Zoey said,
" yeah they all can," the woman with the short brown hair said.
"My names Lizzy and this is my husband Lin," the rest introduced themselves as Mary, Joshua, Mark, Lucy and Leo. (By the order of the special infected)
We introduced ourselves also, Mark stepped forward,
"Your the Hunter Dr. Sabes was working with aren't you," he asked. Hunter and I looked at each other before nodding,
"I see, well as you can tell this is our group. The charger helped me escape and the rest helped these people and then we all came here," Mark said.
"Wait so you stay in here? why by the looks of it or no infected here besides y'all," Nick said.
×the thing mark describes is not mine to take credit for I read it from another story and liked the idea but I added how my character dealt with it×
" that's because its out there," Lizzy said,
"What's out there," I asked,
" the siren, we can only guess when she was infected that she was trying to become a spitter but ended up a failed witch. She'll eat anything dead or alive, that's where all the infected went. She produces this sound from the throat that traps you in a dream state so she can attack. Her bite injects a poison that paralyzes you, we witnessed it first hand," mark said.
We said for a little while as Mark asked all that has happened since meeting Hunter.
" it's best to leave before it gets worse outside," Lin said as the wind picked up and the rain died down. We nodded as we gathered are stuff
"Hunter?" I said wondered what he had run off to,
"Hunter!" I said a little louder.
He never leaves my side, my heart begin to race as I ran to the hallways and out the door we came in from. I look down the streets and finally my eyes landed on his bandana,
"Hunter," I whispered as tears spilled from my eyes, I heard the music in the distance. My head shot up and I stood up, gripping the bandana and raced back inside. The group could hear the music now also,
"It's that thing," Lucy said gripping the tanks neck tighter.
" I'm going after him," I said handing Ellis the gas can and Zoey the flares I had.
"We'll go too," Zoey said,
" no it's best to get the gas back and fill the boat up," I said putting the bandana in my pocket.
"We'll go with her if it would mane you feel better," Lin said, "Lucy, Leo, Joshua, and Mary you stay here."
I nodded and took off down the halls, out the door and ran towards the music.
*time skip*
A little while later, I was walking through an alley. The music was loud as can be,
"Hunter!" I yelled into the night, something moved over head and I looked up. I saw a flash of navy blue,
"Hunter," I yelled with joy and took off after him. He kept jumping from roof to roof, all of a sudden the scenery becme pitch black.
"What the hell," I said as I looked around, finally I saw people lying around me.
"Hello," I asked as I walked up to one and screamed.

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