Tongue Tied

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As I was being dragged away, I looked down and saw a long tongue wrapped around me. It began to drag me up a tall building as I kicked and screamed, bullets flew by me as they tried to hit the tongue. I look towards the ground, I was high up. I know I could survive bites but I was sure a fall from this height would kill me. But I had to take a chance and struggled to free my arms, I got one for you and put my gun to the tongue. I fired as I felt my bas Wilson and I begin to fall
"Ahhhh!," I screamed as I felt faster. I heard them shouting I would close my eyes waiting for the impact. I heard a screech as my eyes flew open, hundred jumped out of the windows and caught me like a boss.
"Hunter," I said as we landed outside the pawn shop,
"Aly hurry," zoey yelled, I grabbed Hunter's hand as I ran into the safe house.
"Shut the door," Bill yelled, I sat up and looked at our new friends.
" don't worry, Hunter here is friendly," I said patting his head.
" you know, if things don't bite this time, they still hit pretty hard" Francis said as he rubbed his arms. Rochelle came over with one of the first-aid kits and sat beside him,
" I'm noo nurse but that doesn't mean I can't help," she said with a small smile, Francis smiled back.
"Thanks," he said,
" we should rest here tonight," Louis said as we all nodded. Hunter and i sat near the door, and decided to take first watch. He was looking a little dazed,
"Hunter," I asked putting a hand on his shoulder, he flinched and scooted away.
"Hey what's wrong," I asked as I put a little more pressure on his arm. He hissed,
"Let me see," I said as I pulled his sleeve up. even in the dim light, I could see the outline of a large cut and blood dripping down.
"Hunter what happened," I yelled/whispered, then it hit me,
"When you caught me out the window," I asked, he nodded. I stood up and grab a medkit,
"Hold still," I said as I dabbed the wound with alcohol, he hissed and tried to pull his hand away.
" sorry,"I said, "do you wanna hold my hand?" I asked as I held it out for him. He took it and squeezed it as I began cleaning it again.
(Zoeys POV)
I sat up quickly on the little make shift bed. I kept hearing something in the distance,
" you hear it too," Ellis asked,
"Yeah what is it," I asked.
"Don't know," he said as he looked at Aly and Hunter, who were passed out.
" are you sure we can trust it," he asked,
" he hasn't harm us yet, and he mostly stays by her. from what she has told me, it's like he's changing," I told him, he looked at them again.
" how old is she," he asked,
"17" I told him, " and hunters around 18 or 19 she tells me." there was a long silence,
" you're really pretty," he told me,
"Huh," was all I got out before we heard a crash.
(Alys pov)
I jerked up from my sleep,
"What was that," I asked as the others woke up,
" you might wanna see this," Louis said.
We all piled around the small windows of the loan counter, parked outside of the huge military van.
" with that we can easily head to Louisiana," I said, a hope to see my family again feeling me. The driver's door opened and a man with C.E.D.A armour came out.
" hello any survivors in there," he shouted towards the shop. Nick began to open his mouth,
"Wait," I stopped him.
"Why" coach asked,
"Something doesn't feel right," I admitted, we waited a few minutes,
"Nothing, now hurry up before he leaves," Bill said. That was until we heard a gut wrenching squeal, one minute the drivers alive, the next he's dying a a pool of acid.
" did you see that," Rochelle freaked, we all nodded. As the body stopped twitching, the thing that spit the acid was by it.
" spitter," I said, she looked around and ran off,
" well that was interesting," Nick said.
" well what now," coach asked,
" he left the keys in the ignition, so what if we load the stuff in here in there and then make a run for Louisiana," Ellis said.
" ok here's the plan; Zoey, Rochelle, Coach and I will load," bill said, " while the rest of you cover our backs." we know nodded and went by the doors,
" Aly are those the only guns you have," coach asked, to which I nodded.
" here you can make better use covering us with this,"he said handing me a sniper rifle,
"Cool," I said. We open the door and proceed to the car, we heard the squeal again.
"Look out," nick yelled as or acid came, Hunter pick me up and we landed onto the roof of the van.
" everyone okay?" Zoey asked,
" that long neck bitch hit me," coach yelled.
" you guys start loading the van," Louis said as he looked at me, "Aly can you shoot that". I nodded and lied down on the vans roof and positioned the rifle. I look for the scope and soul whole mess of them coming our way.
" hunter "I began, "do you think you can go a d get rid of some of them," I asked.
"Yes" he said,
"Good.... Wait what!" I said wided eyed but he was already gone. I looked through the scope and watched him take them out. The others and I joined in taking them out,
" vans loaded let's go people," coach yelled. As a jump down Ellis had a bile jar in his hands,
" is that a bottle of puke," nick asked.
"Yep, fire in the hole," he yelled, the jar flew and headed towards Hunter.
"Watch out," I yelled......
Ah so here's another chapter, what will happen to our beloved hunter. As you can tell I'm a big fan of the Ellis/zoey and Francis/Rochelle couples so they will be a thing but as u can tell the main will be Hunter and Aly. So vote and drop me a comment peace of π (lol i need sleep)

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