Chapter 7

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"The more we deny that we have a dark side, the more power it has over us."

-Sherly Lee-


Helios' P.O.V

It had been an entire day since Ophelia left to the palace. I missed her so much. I wished she didn't have to go.

I went to a fasting mode for an entire day because I couldn't bear to eat when she was not there to eat with me.

Even when I was in my dragon form, she was not there to ride on my back. It felt empty.

I spent most of my time in her bedroom, laying down on her bed to inhale as much of her scent as I could. I hugged her pillow while closing my eyes,

"Master... Ophelia, are you thinking about me as much as I'm thinking of you?" I whispered. Hoping she would hear me, although I knew it was impossible.

"I miss you so much, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you." A drop of tear fell from my eyes and turned into crystals.

These crystals were called the dragon tears and humans used to hunt these to sell on the black market but my tears were solely for her.

As I tried to recall her beautiful face, my ears caught some noises from the outside. It was the sound of humans. Someone was trying to barge into the house.

The news of Ophelia's arrival to the palace must have been heard by some of the villagers so they wanted to take this opportunity to rob her place.

I quietly sneaked out and I saw two adult male humans entered the house which has never been locked in the first place.

"I heard the witch is not at home today, this is a great opportunity, even though she's living in the mountain, she must have some precious objects." One of them spoke to the other. Once they stepped further inside the house. I decided to show myself.

"What do you think you're doing!?" Both of the men were startled by my sudden appearance. Since I only showed them my human form, they didn't seem too scared.

"What, it's just a man?" They were mocking me despite my tall and strong appearance.

"It seems like the two of you have a death wish." My red eyes gleamed. They realized I wasn't human and tried to run away as they pointed their knife at me but we all knew it was a futile attempt.

I was angry because they had the audacity to trespass into my master's home. I raised my hand and a ball of fire formed from the palm of my hand.

"You have to die." I wanted to throw the ball of fire directly at them but it might burn Ophelia's cottage so I charged toward them and grabbed them by the neck, suffocating them while lifting them from the ground.

They probably didn't think I would be this strong but it's their own mistake. They shouldn't have trespassed and tried to steal from my master. It pissed me off.

Before long, both of them were no longer breathing. They were dead. I decided it would be best to get rid of them before master came home.

I brought the corpses outside and transformed into my dragon form, carried these two on my claws and threw them on a land far away from my master's home.

Some of the villagers would probably found their dead body the next morning but they would just think they were attacked by wild animals since I left a claw mark on their neck.

Once I was done getting rid of these intruders, I headed back home and cleaned my hand. Ophelia would hate me if she saw blood of humans on my hand.

She didn't like hurting others. That's my Ophelia, my master.

She has always been so kind and pure despite everything she went through. It made me want to protect her even more.

Yes, that's my master. My only master. She was the only person I cared about, my love, my life, my everything. I only loved her and no one else.

She raised me and made me into the dragon I was. I would be forever indebted to her.

"I would kill anyone who tries to hurt my master, anyone." I vowed as I looked at myself in the mirror. My red eyes gleamed against the reflection.

I decided to sleep since there was nothing left to do. I slept on her bed, imagining she was there with me. Holding my hand and making sure that I was well loved.

"Master, please come home soon."

The next morning, I woke up and checked if Ophelia was back home. She wasn't.

I felt a little sad but my stomach was grumbling, I couldn't fast anymore otherwise I might fell sick and that would trouble her.

I didn't want to trouble her.

I walked out from the house and changed into my dragon form to start hunting.

One good thing about living in the mountain was the abundance of food available for creatures like me. I saw a deer and decided to strike it.

I aimed for the neck so it would have an instant death.

Ophelia always told me if I wanted to hunt, I had to make sure to give the animals a quick death so they didn't feel an excruciating pain. I always did that.

Once I was finished with my meal, I transformed back into my human form and cleaned myself up.

When I looked at myself, I realized I was a handsome man. I looked like normal human for the most part and I had great body as well. I read one of the books in her office in the past.

It was a love story between two people, a man and a woman. I wanted that kind of love story for me and master. But she only saw me as her familiar.

"What am I supposed to do to make you see me like a man and lover, Ophelia?"

Ophelia and The DragonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ