Chapter 38

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"Anger is the enemy of non violence and pride is a monster that swallows up."

-Mahatma Gandhi-

Ophelia's P.O.V

It has been quite an exhausting journey. I just wanted to get home and eat something warm.

As much as I loved the taste of the food from the palace, nothing could beat the deliciousness of mountain's fresh ingredients, cooked while looking at nature.

Helios opened the door for me and when I entered the room, I could smell something delicious in the air.

Suddenly, Neo walked over to me wearing an apron. He was once again in his adult form. A smile appeared on his face.

"Welcome back, master. I have missed you so much." He hugged me and Helios was annoyed. It was merely a friendly hug and I didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Something smells really good, are you cooking something, Neo?" I asked.

"Yes, while you were gone, I didn't have much to do in the place, so I learnt to cook a few recipes I thought my master would enjoy. Come to the dining room, I will serve them to you, master." He didn't even bother to acknowledge Helios, who was standing right beside me.

"Tch, the crown prince is no longer a rival now but why is this ice dragon acting like a house-husband to you?" He grumbled.

"I think it's nice. Besides, I am also hungry right now, so this is perfect." I arrived at the dining room and saw two different kinds of dishes.

The first was soup type with some winter vegetables and mushrooms. It must be the mushroom I froze during the fall season last time. The second type was grilled meat, coated in mildly spicy sauce.

"Have a seat, master." He pulled the chair and usually, it was Helios' job.

Helios became even more displeased. No, to be more precise, he felt threatened by Neo. Not physically, but he was afraid Neo would replace him as my favorite.

What a silly thought. It was like asking a mother to choose her favorite child or something. Impossible to do.

"Hmm.. this is actually really good. I didn't know you are that talented in cooking, Neo." I praised him. His pale skin showed a hint of reddish flush.

"I am glad you enjoy it master. If you want to, I can start cooking and cleaning the place from here on so my master can focus on other things." He offered.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Gosh, he was like the perfect housewife. If he was a woman, surely he would make a great traditional wife. Since he offered it, there was no way I would refuse.

"Then, I will hand over this responsibility to you. Thank you, Neo. You've only arrived here yet you are so useful to me already." I praised him. Helios puffed from beside me.

"Lia, I've also done a lot of things for you, why don't you praise me too?" He asked. He was jealous. How adorable.

Despite looking like a Greek god, Helios had his child-like side which made me love him even more. I placed my hand on his hair and patted it.

"You've done great, Helios. I'm proud of you." A smile appeared on his face and he suddenly leaned forward to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much, Lia." Neo was not used to such sight and he felt a little awkward. I needed to bring the conversation back to the meal now before anyone got jealous.

"By the way, Neo. Since you are already here. What do you think about visiting the village? Right now there are no festival, but every weekend, there would be a night bazaar and entertainment in the village. We can shop and have delicious local dish over there. What do you think?" I proposed.

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