Chapter 10

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"An accident won't arrive with a belt on its neck."

-Finnish Proverb-


Nicholas' P.O.V

It was time for the annual hunting competition held by the royal family. It was always held during the beginning of fall season.

All male members of the royal family and nobles would compete to hunt the biggest and most amount of prey.

The winner would be granted reward by the emperor himself. For four years in a row, I had always been the winner of the hunting competition.

I was twenty-two that year, so I've been winning since the day I joined the competition since only those above eighteen could join.

My younger brother would be joining the hunt for the second time this year.

"Ah, you would probably win again this year, brother." He told me as we jumped into our horses, waiting for the signal to start the competition.

"You never know that. I think your horse riding and archery skill has improved in the past year, Clyde. You have your chance as well."

"Perhaps." He replied.

"Everyone, welcome to the annual royal hunting competition." The opening speech from the emperor started.

"All of you would be hunting from the beginning of the forest all the way to the top of the mountain, the competition would be held for three days. You shall return back to the palace in three days before the sun sets." He announced.

"If everyone is ready, then let's the competition begin!" The sound of trumpet was heard in the air, signaling the beginning of the competition.

Everyone rode their horse to the forest including myself. However, I already knew that in the forest, there weren't much quality prey since it was close to the village.

I decided to head straight to the mountain. Besides, I also heard Ophelia lived there. I might be able to meet her while going on a hunt.

It took almost a day to reach the mountain.

Before the sky became dark, I settled in a place near the river and tied my horse to the tree as I washed my face using the river water.

I haven't been here in almost a year, but the place didn't change much. The water was as clean as usual.

There were almost no people here, that's why the place was still immaculate from every aspect.

I didn't want to risk my life by hunting at dark. There would be other predators around like wolves and bears. It was better to stay put in one spot so I could defend myself in case those animals appear.

I decided to take a rest under the tree and slept early so I could have the chance to hunt the next morning.

Sleeping in the wild like that had its own risks but I should be used to it by then.

Even though I was asleep, all my senses were present.

All of a sudden, I could hear rustling from afar that eventually became closer. I woke up in the middle of the night as I felt someone's presence nearby.

I looked around me and tried to find any traces of anyone there, but I couldn't find anyone.

"Who could be watching me?" I questioned.

It was common occurrence throughout history that the hunting competition was used as an opportunity for assassins to get rid of the royal family members.

I have spent my entire life training for this. I was ready to take on any assassins who might try to kill me but as I looked around, I saw nothing.

I waited and waited but nothing was happening.

"Guess I'll have to be on guard."

I ended up not sleeping soundly for the rest of the night. I snoozed off a little here and there while continuing to observe my surrounding whenever I was awake. When the sun has rose slightly, I decided to continue my hunt.

I climbed up on my horses and started riding, however, it didn't take me long to notice that something was wrong with my horse.

It was my favorite horse for riding and she has been with me through many rides, but she had never behaved so erratically like it did.

I tried to regain control over it but I failed. It kept on running and I realized all my attempts to control the horse was futile.

It was not on its right mind.

It started running toward a cliff and I knew I had to act quickly. I jumped from the horse and it continued to run forward to the cliff, jumping down and died.

"Shit! Someone must have sabotaged the horse." I groaned.

Those cowards! They knew they could not take me on personally so they sabotaged my horse instead. But when?

The impact from the fall took a toll on me. I must have broken some bones around my arms and ribs. It hurt like hell. I tried to stand up but my body hurt so much.

I was not wearing a full body armor like I did when I went to war so the impact from the fall was significantly greater.

I didn't want to give up though. I did my best to walk and tried to find anyone I could ask for help.

I remembered Ophelia's place was around here. If I could meet her, she would be able to heal me and I would be fine.

I climbed even further into the mountain. Half an hour must have passed. Normally, this much time would not affect me that much.

However, thanks to my injury, everything was ten, no, twenty times more painful.

I didn't know where I was anymore, but I have lost all of my strength. I fell down on the ground again, unable to move even an inch of my limb. I laid on the ground and closed my eyes.

I was starting to lose my consciousness. It made me wonder if I was going to make it out of the mountain alive.

It would be one of the most ironic event in history. The crown prince died in the mountain. I didn't want to die, but at that point, I was leaving everything to the hand of fate.

Right before I lost my consciousness, I could hear footsteps in the distance and someone shouting my name.

"Nicholas !"

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