Chapter 31

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"Not the ones speaking the same language, but the ones sharing the same feeling understand each other."



Ophelia's P.O.V

"I'm sorry, Lia. I didn't know you had that kind of past. I have acted too jealous before, forgive me." 

Back to the present, Helios was apologizing to me for his action even though I didn't think he was wrong.

"It's fine, you're not at fault here. At least now you know the reason why I was smitten with the crown prince. His face, it reminded me so much of my first love, Eder Aristos. Nicholas is his direct descendant, it was not surprising to see a resemblance in them."

"Lia, even though the current crown prince has your first love's face, he is not him. You should just forget about the past." Helios placed both of his hands on her cheek.

"You already have me. I can be everything you need Lia. I will protect you. I will always listen to you and act obediently. I won't cause trouble, so just focus your attention to me, Lia. Love me instead." 

He pleaded as he pressed his lips onto mine again. This time it was a brief kiss, but I could tell he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

"Helios, that's just odd. I raised you, I watched you grow. How could I see you as a lover now?" I asked him. 

What would people say if he becomes my lover? I never intended for things to turn out this way.

"Lia, we are different from humans. For humans yes it might be weird, but we are almost immortals, it doesn't matter if there's a hundred years gap between the two of us." He reasoned. 

"You still look like a twenty-five years old human and I look roughly the same age as you. It doesn't matter, Lia. I love you and I want to be with you forever, not just a familiar, but as your lover as well." 

He took my hand and kissed the back of it. I was still speechless. His reasoning made perfect sense but I thought it was still a bit odd for me to take Helios as a lover.

As I was contemplating on it, I suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door. I walked to open it alongside Helios who was ready to guard me in case anything happened. 

When I opened the door and was surprised to see the royal princess, Serena Aristos standing in there with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Lia." She greeted me.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" I asked, baffled by her unannounced presence.

"Please, just call me Serena. I apologize for coming here without telling you first, but I have things I need to discuss with you. Do you mind if I come in?" 

The princess went all the way from the palace to the mountain with the carriage just to see me. I couldn't possibly just turn her away, could I?

"Come in." I invited her inside and asked her to sit down on the living room as I made a cup of tea for her. 

Helios was in the living room, watching the princess with suspicious gaze. He seemed to have trust issues toward anyone who's not me.

From the kitchen, I could already feel how displeased Helios was with her presence. After hearing my story, I could tell Helios developed a newfound hatred for the royal family, but these people were innocent. 

It was their ancestors who killed my family, not them. Besides it had been over six hundred years, I couldn't put the blame on what happened six hundred years ago on them, could I?

"Have some tea, Serena." I offered her and she thanked me before taking a sip.

"I am sure you must be confused right now. I came here for a purpose. First, I'd like to apologize since I didn't make the time to meet you during your stay in the palace. I had my reason for that."

 All of a sudden, her expression fell.

"Actually, I have been betrothed to a noble man from a different state of the empire. I had to visit him and finalized our engagement plan." She said as she caressed the diamond ring on her finger.

"Congratulations, Serena." I thought it was a joyous occasion so I congratulated her but she didn't seem too pleased.

"Thank you, Lia. I know I should be happy as well. But truth to be told, our engagement and future marriage would be a political marriage. I have met him, he is a good man and he seems to care for me, but I don't love this man." She expressed her feelings.

"That brought me to the reason why I came here. I heard about what happened between you and my brother. I had been observing the two of you since you first met and I can tell you have great chemistry with each other. My brother has confessed his feelings for you, hasn't he?" She asked and I nodded.

"He did, but I also found out about his engagement to Lady Clarice. I don't want to get in between their relationship. I wish the crown prince all the best in his future marriage." I admitted. 

Serena suddenly approached me and took my hand.

"My brother is in a political engagement with Lady Clarice, just like me, but he doesn't love her and you have contributed a lot to the empire by curing sick people including me. The people know and love you." She paused before continuing. 

"Surely, if Nicholas was to talk to my father about this, he would be allowed to cancel his engagement with Lady Clarice and marries you instead." She convinced me. 

I assumed Nicholas must have asked her to persuade me into meeting him again since I have ignored all his letters and invitations.

Helios was already fuming beside me. I was certain he hated the idea of me being with Nicholas. Before I could give her any answer, Helios wrapped his arms around me and looked at Serena straight in the eyes.

"Princess, you should head back now and tell the crown prince that he can dream on because Ophelia is mine." He snarled at her. 

Serena seemed a bit confused by this statement. I sighed and explained everything to her. I told the princess about my past with Eder and the reason why I took interest in the crown prince to begin with. 

She listened intently and by the end of it, we reached a mutual understanding with each other.

"I didn't think something like that had happened to you. I apologize on behalf of the royal family. You don't have to explain any further, I will inform my brother about this. I am sure he would understand." She rose from her seat.

"I don't have anything else to say at the moment. I guess I will be taking my leave." She politely said.

"You have come all the way here, Serena. Wouldn't you stay the night?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. I still have somewhere else to be. Thank you for your hospitality, Lia. I hope you will come and play at the palace again sometimes." She smiled.

Before she completely left, I said something to her.

"Princess, can I give you a little advice?" I asked her.

"What is it, Lia?" She tilted her head curiously.

"I believe you will eventually fall in love with your future husband. Learn more about him and I'm sure you'll eventually love him."

I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, but I had this firm belief about it and I was certain it was true.

Serena looked at me with a slightly puzzled expression, but then she smiled gracefully.

"Thank you for your advice, Lia. I hope it's true." 

She walked outside and entered her carriage. I bid her goodbye and watched as her carriage took off.

"Wow, so many things has happened lately, I need a break." I said as I headed to my bedroom and laid down to sleep.

"I think things will be quiet for a while."

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