Chapter 39

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"Memories, images and precious thoughts that shall not die and cannot be destroyed."

-William Wordsworth-


"Is this what they call a night bazaar, master?" Neo's eyes widened in fascination when we arrived at the village's bazaar which was held every weekend.

I nodded. Neo was walking around in his child's form. I thought it was more suitable for him. This way, we wouldn't attract too much attention as well.

"Yes, let's go find something to eat first and then we can take a stroll around the area."

During the night bazaar, there were plenty of seasonal tenants so the products offered each week were usually different.

It was part of the attraction that kept the villagers from coming back. I didn't know what kind of surprise awaited us that night but I was excited.

"Master, what kind of food is that? I've never seen anything like this before" He pointed at one of the stall and I turned my head toward the direction.

"Ah, that one is called noodles. I think it's a famous food in the east continent but they aren't as common in our western continent. Do you want to try some?" I asked him.

"Yes, master. If that's okay with you." He replied. I wanted to melt. Neo was really polite, even when asking for a favor.

Since he was an ice dragon, I expected him to be cold like the ice but his personality was truly likeable.

"What about you, Helios? Do you want to try the noodle as well or do you want me to get you something else?" I asked.

"Lia, I am a grown up man now, I'm not a picky eater. I will go with whatever you want and if there's something you want, you should tell me and I will get it for you." He replied.

Ah, yes, Helios had been a bit sensitive lately each time I treated him like a child.

Well, I couldn't help it. I raised him after all, when he was a helpless baby dragon, I used to do things for him. I guess that's the downside of being almost immortal.

"Okay, noodle it is." We ordered three bowls of noodle with eggs from the stall and took our seat. Not long after, the owner placed the meal before us and a piece of utensils.

"What is this thing?" Neo asked.

"It's called chopstick. People from the east loves to eat using it. It's a very functional tool. You can use it to eat noodles and other types of dishes beside liquid." I explained.

"I didn't think the eastern continent would be so different from us. Lia, one day if it's possible, maybe we should go there together for a vacation, what do you think?" Neo asked me.

"Yes, we can talk about that later and we have enough time. Let's just enjoy our noodle for now."

The three of us ate our meal and it tasted delicious. Savory and a little spicy, but rich and creamy. I loved it so much.

Once we were done eating, the three of us took a stroll around the area.

"Lia, I want to check that store out." Helios pointed at a store that sold different kind of weapons.

I was a little surprised to see such a store opened at the public night bazaar like this. But I guessed it was fine.

The crime rate within the village was nearly nonexistent. Perhaps that's why these stores felt comfortable doing this.

"Welcome, welcome. Is there anything particular you're looking for? Our store has everything from the sharpest knives to spears. We even have crossbows and swords as well."

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