Chapter 1

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I'm not gonna sit here and tell you guys I have the hardest life possible, because I don't. Many people would think I have a great life! They see a young girl living in a nice house and a nice put together family, but it's hard to appreciate the privileges I've grown up with when everyone in your household hates you. I have 4 older brothers, one being my older twin, but they resent me. I wish I could tell you guys why or what I did to deserve being treated like shit but I can't. Maybe its the fact I'm the only girl or that I'm ugly compared to them. Or maybe its because I'm considered weird at school and have a zero social life. Who knows. But for as long as I can remember I've been a nuisance to my family.

I understand if you think I'm over exaggerating or lying to make people pity me, but trust me that's the last thing I want. I've never told anyone about my home life situation besides my closest friend Avery. To everyone else, I'm that perfect person with the perfect life, well besides me being a social reject and all. I'm telling you guys this so you have some background information for what you're about to read. Let me get back into present time now that you're all filled in.

"You fucking piece of shit!" Caleb screamed. He had his ginormous hand wrapped around my neck choking me against my bedroom door. Apparently his stupid charger is missing.
"I didn't t-take it Caleb get off m-me!" I pleaded, barely choking out the words. My circulation of air was cutting off and I thought he might genuinely kill me. Maybe this was the day it was all gonna be over. Right as I felt my body shutting down and my eyes getting heavy I was released. Fuck, so close.
"I know you have my charger you worthless bitch give it back." He spat, grinning at my weak self.
Just to my luck, Ethan, my twin, happened to hear the commotion and came bursting into my room to join in on the fun.
"Why are you screaming bro shut the fuck up." His gaze fell lower down as he noticed me desperately gasping for air. He laughed.
"Did you choke her again."
"Yea she took my fucking charger."
Ethan suddenly got into a fit of laughter before he told Caleb that he was the one who took the charger. Why am I not surprised. Whatever goes wrong is always my fault according to my brothers.
"Oh ok." Caleb chuckled, smirking at me before leaving my room, acting like nothing happened. Caleb was definitely my meanest brother, see most of them just insult me and degrade me but he loves to hit me and choke me. I'm his personal punching bag. My parents never even hear since our house is so fucking big. He can get away with anything and my parents never know.

I can't help but sit and cry now that I'm alone. You think I'd be used to this by now but every time I'm in this situation it breaks me just as much as the last time did. Id never dare cry in front of my brothers though, last time I did it it was all I heard about for weeks. That I was some pathetic girl who cries whenever Im upset. Every time I passed them they'd all pretend to cry. They even got majority of our school to go along with it. Props of my brothers all being popular and having cults of people In love with them. It made me feel so small compared to them, which I guess is true. I've trained myself to keep my tears in until the time is right. I haven't cried in front of them in 2 years after that.

My tears got to a halt when I heard a knock on my door. I panicked, aggressively wiping my tears with my shirt and pretending like I was perfectly normal.

"Can I come in honey, I have your laundry." My mom yelled through the door.

"One sec!" I tried to calm myself down as fast as possible so she wouldn't notice, but looking in my mirror I had red handprints on my neck. Fuck. I sprinted to the other side of my room and searched for a sweatshirt I could cover my neck with, all while hearing my mom scream through the door asking me to open it, it's locked by the way. Once I found myself semi presentable, I opened the door acting like I was just awakening from a nap.

"Finally Brynn, I thought you were doing weed or something and trying to hide it from me!" She said humorously while placing my basket of clothes down. I let out a fake chuckle. I love my mom but we've never been that close. When you're 1 out of 5 siblings it's hard to connect with your parents because there's just so many of you. I'm still close to her though don't get me wrong, but not like a regular mother daughter relationship you're probably familiar with. More of an  aquantince relationship. Her favorite is by far Ethan. They hang out non stop together and id be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I wish I had a connection like that to someone in my family. It would make me feel a little wanted. Speaking of the devil, Ethan came back in my room to talk with my mom while she was putting my clothes away. He was telling her all the drama with the football team at my high school, apparently they were split apart because of two senior captions being in a huge fight.

"Nobody cares bro." I mumbled, having enough of Ethan sucking up to my mom in my own room. The funniest part was he was laying on my bed as if I even said he could do that.
His eyes snapped to me, which means he heard me loud and clear. Great, I'll be in for a treat later today! For some reason, whenever my mom or dad is in my room the whole family decides to come! Luke entered my room, also uninvited, without a fucking shirt and in his candy cane boxers. He's disgusting.

"Ew put a shirt and pants on Luke." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.
"Suck my dick ugly ass." He responded, my mom gasped. If only she knew the half of it.
He only laughed. Nobody took my mom seriously. Carter came in not shortly after, its like they sense everyone's in my room or something.
"It's like a fucking family reunion in here." He said, laying down next to Ethan, on my fucking bed.
"Ok time to go everyone!" I used my hands to make a shooing motion, and gently pushed my mom out the door. Of course none of my brothers moved a muscle though.
"Nah I think I'll stay thanks though Brynn." Luke said munching on something, wait....

"THATS MY FUCKING CUPCAKE LUKE." I was outraged. My friend gave me a cupcake today during lunch since it was my birthday a few days ago. She made it homemade too.

"I'm doing you a favor you could lose some weight." My brothers all laughed. I was fuming. I hate when they brought up my weight, I've always been insecure about my body and they know it. That's what happens when growing up you're constantly called fat by them. I dont even know what I look like anymore.
"I fucking hate you." I seethed, leaving my room before I said anything more that I'd regret.
"Fat ass!" Carter yelled as I left the room.

The tears arrived once again.

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