Chapter 3

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What was the point in living when nobody cared whether you were alive or dead? I'm told to kill myself everyday yet i'm still here. Why? Why do I put myself through this unbearable pain.
The truth is, i'm scared. I'm scared of the pain killing myself will do. I'm scared of the thought i'd ceased to exist. I'm scared of the unknown. The scared of the thing called death.

"Just do it already Brynn. My life would be better without you."

Those were the words my twin brother Ethan had said to me 4 years ago, yet it replayed in my head like it had been said yesterday. That was the first ever mean thing he had spoken to me. My other brothers had always hated me, but Ethan was my best friend. He stood by me through their relentless bullying, until he gave up. He realized all the pain I suffer is well deserving. I had been the reason to our baby sisters death after all, who deserved anything after doing such a thing?

"Brynn, daddy and I need to attended a meeting for work, can you watch Lily for us? Your brothers will be home within an hour."
I reluctantly agreed to, not wanting to disappoint my parents. What 10 year old did?
As my parents left a surge of excitement jolted through me. This was my first time being home alone!
"Lily what should we do?" I asked my 5 year old sister.
"HIDE AND SEEK!" She yelled, jumping joyfully. Hide and seek had been her favorite game for as long as I can remember.
"You count." She continued. Without a second thought, she dashed off and I was left to close my eyes and count. 
Lily's blood curdling scream cut me off.
"LILY?" I sprinted towards the open front door, and I fell to my knees at the horrific sight. She laid on the street, blood seeping out of her. My tears began streaming down and my heart rate increased 10 times the speed. The person driving the truck stopped abruptly and ran towards my limb body hovering over Lily.
"CALL 911!" I screamed at him. By the time they arrived she was dead, drenched in my endless sobs. My family never treated me the same again.

After that day, the only person that I had left was Avery. She had stuck with me since the beginning and for that I owed her my life. But right now I felt so utterly betrayed. After everything, here she was with my twin brother. The person that has caused me the most pain. None of my family had let me forget about the Lily incident, but Ethan had declared me as nothing. I wasn't a twin, a sister, a friend, an acquaintance, not even an enemy. I became a stranger. The most we speak is a sentence a month towards each other. This month clearly is different. He partakes in my brothers bullying, but never directly acknowledges me. He just laughs and watches all while encouraging whoever my tour mentor is.

I heard Avery's pleads for me to stop running and Ethan and Luke's chuckles behind me, yet I didn't care. It didn't matter, nothing did. Tears stained my face, snot rushed out of my nose. Who cared anymore? What was the point in hiding
my sadness anymore. So my brothers don't get the satisfaction that they hurt me? They already get it no matter what my reaction is. Maybe crying will cause sympathy. Caleb exited his room after hearing all the commotion, and abruptly stopped me in my tracks.

"Why are you running?" He asked me, observing the setting.
"Why do you care." I snapped, trying to go around him and get out of this house as quick as possible. Caleb grabbed my arm, holding me in place.
"Answer my question." He seethed.
I let a couple of seconds remain silent, debating mentally wether I wanna spill my drama to my abusive older brother. His grip tightened,
so it was clear I didn't have much of a choice.

"Ethan played a huge prank on me." I never said lying wasn't an option. Would this lie hold out? No. But all I cared about was getting him to leave me alone for the time being. Frankly, I was surprised he was even spending this much time talking to me.

"You're such a baby Brynn. Grow up." He released his grip and pushed me, causing me to lose balance. I took this as a sign to continue my running. I ran straight out of the house and to the park that was in my neighborhood. I rested my sobbing body on a swing, and remained there for 2 hours. My thoughts had gotten the best of me, I lost track of time.

Once it had gotten dark I decided to head home. Checking Avery's location on my phone she had arrived back at her own house so I knew it was safe to go back. I didn't want to face her again today.

Approaching my home, I noticed my Moms car was parked in the driveway. That left a small sigh of relief knowing my brothers couldn't fully abuse me since she was here.

"Where have you been young lady?" My mom asked in her threatening tone the minute I had entered through the front door. I knew I had to play my cards right if I didn't want a punishment.
"I went for a walk." I bluntly said. Turning to go up the stairs. She halted me by saying, "That isn't what your brothers told me?" She sounded even a angrier.
"What did they tell you.."
"You left the house because Caleb refused to play with you so you had a huge tantrum about it."
I gasped. That piece of shit.
"That's not even close to what happ-"
"I don't want to hear it Brynn. You need to get your temper in check. Not everyone wants to play with you every second of the day. Now go to your room before I take your phone." She interrupted. Of course she believes them. Her angel sons over me right? I huffed, not being able to contain my smile, she was unbelievable. I wonder if she hears what she's saying sometimes.

I bumped ways with Ethan while walking up the stairs, he glared at me with a small smirk plastered on his face. He always won. Right where we meet to pass ways he pushed me into the railing making me fall on the step. It hurt like a bitch. Ethan was a very strong guy. He hit the gym everyday, so he overpowered me easily. He was probably one of the strongest of my brothers, besides Caleb who is by far stronger than him. Caleb was 6'3 and 230 pounds. He was the ultimate definition of a gym rat. He inspired Ethan to go last year, and the two of them bond now by working out together. I had asked if I could join one day and they both laughed in my face telling me girls don't belong at the gym. I haven't asked since.

I laid on my bed the rest of the night, ignoring all of Avery's texts and calls. Id deal with her tomorrow. I skipped dinner, having no motivation to be seated with my fucked up family. I could hear Carters talk about how great his football game was through my vent though, so It's not like I missed anything. Carter was so self absorbed it pissed me off.

Around 10 o'clock my mom did her usual pit stop at my room to say goodnight. I mustered up the courage to finally speak to my mom.
"Mom can I talk to you."
She stepped into my room and shut the door.
"Sure honey. What's up?" She asked softly.
I don't know what got behold of me but I wanted to tell her the truth about my brothers. I was so done with all of it. Who cares if my parents are finally aware of the monsters they created?
"I'm being bullied." I shortly said. I wanted to see her reaction to that first.
"BY WHO?" She bursted, her eyes had widened.
"My brothers."

She stared at me, a blank expression on her face.

"That's what brothers do Brynn. Stop being dramatic." She rolled her eyes, turning to leave but I begged her to stay. She wasn't listening.

"No mom, they abuse me." Tears coated my eyes. I was letting her see my vulnerability, hoping it would show I was telling the truth.

She continued her blank stare.

"You don't know what you're saying. Just stop and go to bed."

"Are you even listening to me?!" I stood up from my bed angrily walking towards her.
"I had brothers Brynn. I know how it feels. Stop making something out of nothing. Besides If you hadn't killed your sister you would have had another girl around." She mumbled the last part, but I caught it. I was dumbfounded. My eyebrows scrunched and my mouth was gaped.
"And stop crying it's weak. Goodnight." She added, leaving my room. I stared at the door and cried despite her cruel remark. Nobody heard me, nobody understood me.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse Caleb entered my room not long after mom left.

"You fucking snitch. Get ready for the worst beating of your life." He laughed.

Fuck. He heard the whole thing.

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